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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 329

Chapter 329 The Highest Bidder Wins

By the time Justin returned home, it was already late at night. The servant took Charlotte to the bedroom to rest. When she came out of the bedroom, she saw that the lights of the study were on and the door was open.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Justin looked up to see the servant. “Sir, have you eaten dinner? Should I make something for you?”

“Is Gloria not back yet?”

“She said that she’ll be back soon as she has dinner with the troupe tonight. Sir, do you have anything you want to eat?”

He pondered for a moment. “Please make me some noodles.”

“Alright. Please wait for a moment. It’ll be ready soon.”


After the servant left, he sat in front of his computer for a long time but could hardly comprehend any of the words on the screen.

The house had been lively before he left on his business trip. It used to be filled with the sounds of Jolly and Gloria bickering whenever they met, Samuel and Charlotte running up and down the stairs, and Rachel chasing after the two children while shouting for them to slow down. However, the house suddenly seemed empty and dreary when he came back from this business trip.

Justin looked at his phone on the table. There were several times when he reached out to pick the phone up, but he held himself back. A long while later, he decided to get up and leave his phone behind to head downstairs.

“Sir, why did you come down? I was just about to call you.” The servant had finished making the noodles. It was just a simple bowl of egg noodles with tomatoes and an additional sunny-side up egg that was served with a side dish.

He had only just taken his seat when the electronic lock made a beep to indicate the door opening.

“When did you come back?” Gloria looked at Justin while changing to her indoor shoes.

“I just arrived.”

“Are you having dinner?” She walked into the dining room, opened the fridge to grab a bottle of coke, and gulped half a bottle in one go. “Then, take your time eating. I’m going upstairs to sleep.”

“Don’t you have anything that you want to ask me?”

Justin’s words made her pause mid-step.

“Ask you about what?” Gloria turned around to look at him. “Ask you why you have chased Miss Rachel out again? Or, why did you take Charlotte away?”

“She left on her own.”

“In my opinion, there is no difference between the two.” Her gaze was gloomy. “She also chose to leave five years ago, but did she really leave because she wanted to?”

He scowled. “Do you all take me for a heinous villain? Does it not matter what I do now? Is it impossible for me to make up for all the damage I caused back then? If that’s the case, then why does every one of you act like you’re so magnanimous? Why do you act like the past is behind you? Even prison sentences have a time limit and life sentences can be replaced with shorter sentences. Did I murder somebody or caused an arson? Can’t I get a chance to be forgiven?”

The more he talked, the more agitated Justin became. The veins in his hand that gripped the corner of the table throbbed.

The past three days had been incredibly depressing for him. He had to maintain a good mood every day to take care of Charlotte, so only he knew just how torturous it had been. The woman he loved the most had been scheming against him all this time, but he didn’t even have the right to blame her!

Gloria looked at Justin quietly. “An apology does not mean saying the words ‘I’m sorry’. Those who made a mistake have to suffer the consequences of their evil actions. This includes the other party’s refusal to forgive you. It is the victim’s right to do so. Why should you be forgiven just because you have apologized and repented for your actions?”

“Then, tell me! What should I do?! She can retaliate against me a hundred times or a thousand times over for what I did to her. Will that be enough!?”

She suddenly sighed heavily. “Forget it.”

“What do you mean?”


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