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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 360

Chapter 360 Best Friend Is a Derogatory Term

“You don’t have to deal with this matter any longer. I’ll take care of it.” Ryan threw a glance at Jolly before his gaze fell on Rachel. “Miss Hudson, Jolly is only being criticized by the public because of her endorsement deal with Hudson Pharmaceuticals. I hope you won’t begrudge her a few days of rest.”

Rachel agreed. “It’s not a problem. I plan on letting her go on a break for half a month while public interest dies down.” “Half a month is too short. Give her a month.”

Ryan demanded staunchly, which startled everyone else.

Jolly frowned and retorted, “Who are you to decide on my behalf? What could I possibly do with a month’s break?”

“Go on a holiday. You can follow me to Switzerland for a month.”

“No way!”

As soon as Ryan said that, Leroy, who had been quiet the entire time, immediately disagreed. He glared at Ryan as he firmly denounced the suggestion.

Rachel and Jolly were taken aback by his sudden interruption. But soon enough, Jolly remembered the feud between Leroy and Ryan. In the end, it was all because of a woman!

Ryan commented icily, “You have no say in what we do. Who do you think you are?”

Leroy snapped back. “Who do I think I am? Maybe I’m nothing to the great Mr. Sutton, but how can you treat Jolly this way? Is she just an object to you? Is she just a thing that you can bring around with you wherever you go?”

“She’s my fiancée!” Ryan’s answer echoed around them as he declared it resolutely.

Jolly would usually stir up a storm if she heard Ryan saying that, but this time, she shrunk behind Rachel as she muttered, “Oh no… Chris, the endorsement deal might go sour!”

When Jolly reached out to Leroy about the endorsement deal, she never even mentioned that she was acquainted with Ryan, let alone the fact that she used to be his fiancée. Leroy only agreed to the endorsement deal after Jolly had spent all her time and effort into developing a “friendship” with him.

At a time like this, how can you still be thinking about the endorsement deal with Leroy? Rachel was speechless.

Ryan was still talking. “Both of our families agreed to the marriage, and even the Carter Family elders also approved of the marriage. She, Jolly Carter, is my fiancée. Apart from her parents, there is no one else in this world who is more qualified to deal with this on her behalf than me.”

After an awkward silence, Leroy snorted.

Jolly anxiously murmured by Rachel’s ear. “What is he laughing about? Has he been driven mad by anger?”

Rachel rolled her eyes before hushing Jolly. “Can’t you keep quiet for a bit?”

Leroy gave Jolly a look, but she quickly avoided his gaze. She looked up toward the ceiling with feigned innocence, saying, “Oh wow, the weather today really is quite nice.”

Rachel’s lips twitched. There must be something wrong with this woman’s brain!

Leroy continued, “I think Jolly doesn’t agree with what you just said. Unfortunately for you, Mr. Sutton, it seems like your feelings are unrequited.”

Ryan’s expression immediately changed.

As for Rachel, she was rather astonished by Leroy.

Leroy was only a minor celebrity, but he dared to defy a powerful and influential man like Ryan. With such principles, Leroy was undeniably a respectable man!

“Jolly, leave with me at once.” Ryan did not respond to Leroy. Instead, he turned to Jolly and came to grab her by the arm.

However, Jolly instinctively avoided his hand, and she huffed, “Why should I leave with you? Tell me who’s scheming behind my back.”

“I already told you that I’ll deal with it!” Ryan refused.

“This is my business, and I don’t need you to butt in!” Jolly insisted.

“Jolly Carter!” Ryan barked out.

“Why are you raising your voice at me? Do you think I’ll be scared of you?” Jolly was beside herself with anger by now, but suddenly, a thought flitted across her mind and she glared at Ryan. “Don’t tell me that it’s you who did it!”

Rachel was flabbergasted by Jolly’s reaction. How did she even jump to that conclusion?

Jolly wagged her finger at Ryan as she continued her accusation. “Ryan Sutton, is there something wrong with you?! Are you trying to ensure that I’ll never be able to make it in Riverdale? Is that why you did such a deplorable thing?!”

“I did it?” Ryan’s face was red with fury. “In your eyes, I am someone who’d do such a thing?”


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