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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 411

Rachel drove her car halfway up the mountain. However, the more she thought about it, the more off the whole conversation was.

She was just having fun with Justin at the Triburg Valley last weekend, and all of a sudden, he turned everyone away this week. Even if he really didn’t want to see her, did he really have to get Ginny to convey his words? What if he wanted to see Charlotte in the future? Was he going to get Ginny to pick her up too?

How could she just hand over her daughter to a woman like Ginny? When she thought of this, her eyes narrowed slightly. She then stepped on the brakes, twisted the steering wheel, and turned back to the villa. She had to talk to him in person.

When she arrived, it was already nightfall. With the bleakness of late autumn and the quietness of the late night, the Burton Family’s summer villa was exceptionally silent..

Since Arthur had passed away, Justin moved here and dismissed most of the servants in the villa. Except for the building where he stayed, all other buildings were closed, leaving only Dennis with him.

Even the old security guards at the gate were dismissed, but Ginny moved in out of the blue and brought another security guard. “Miss Tuscan, the soup is ready.”

“It’s getting late. You should rest early.” “Will do. Mr. Jenkins, you should rest too.” Ginny pushed open the master bedroom door while holding a bowl of soup in her hand.

Justin was sleeping soundly on the bed. A smoky gray sheet covered his body, and his stern face became colder and sharper when the moonlight from outside the window shone on him. It seemed that he was not sleeping very well, and his brows were furrowed.

Ginny sat down beside the bed, lifted him up with a hand, and propped him against her arm, looking at his eyebrows. “Since you haven’t rested for so many years, you can finally get the rest you need.”

Naturally, Justin didn’t respond to her. Ginny’s monologue reverberated in the room. If anyone saw this at this moment, they would be absolutely terrified.

“Justin, I know you think my behavior is grotesque, but I will prove that I am right. Only the combination of our genes can give birth to the best child. When the time comes, he will inherit the Tuscan Family and the Burton Family, and he will be ahead of everyone else when he is born. I haven’t gotten married even after so many years because I know you will be mine in the end. I couldn’t even bring myself to like other men at all…”

Behind the curtain, Rachel held her breath and tried her level best to stay absolutely still even though Ginny’s words made her tremble like a leaf.

Ginny must have some kind of mental illness… This was terrifying. She talked to herself for a long time and finally fed Justin the bowl of soup with unknown ingredients. After that, she left the master bedroom satisfied.

After the lights in the bedroom went out, Rachel finally breathed a sigh of relief and carefully opened the door from the balcony outside to walk in. Her footsteps were as light as a feather. The person on the bed didn’t respond at all. He’s not dead, is he?

Rachel hurried over and checked Justin’s breathing. “Hey…”

In the darkness, the man suddenly opened his eyes. Rachel was so frightened that she was about to scream in reflex, but Justin covered her mouth just in a knick of time and pulled her under the quilt.

“Don’t move.” His warm breath came from over her head. The sound of the door opening came from outside. Ginny hadn’t left yet and was looking in from the door.

She didn’t even dare to breathe. She only lay quietly and leaned tightly against him. After an unknown amount of time, he stood up, lifted the quilt, and said in a low voice, “She’s gone.”

Her forehead was covered in cold sweat, and she was lying on the bed like a koala. Then, finally, she regained her composure and cautiously climbed out of the bed after a while. “Is she really gone?” He teased her. “Why did you even sneak in here when you’re so cowardly?”

“I was looking for you, okay?”

“How did you know there was something wrong with me?”

“If there wasn’t, would you just disappear without answering the phone? It’s not like we are mortal enemies. Ginny underestimates us too much. Even if I didn’t come to see you, you’re supposed to pick Charlotte up on the weekend. Is she expecting herself to come instead of you?”

“She won’t wait till the weekend.”

Rachel was taken aback. “What do you mean?”

“She plans to get me out of Riverdale early tomorrow morning to Montenegro.”


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