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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42

The so-called Deities were in fact not deities but a piece of wooden plaque carved with the birthdate and time. The four edges had locks on it, which were spray-painted red and bolted tightly to the ground.

On the right side of the plaque, there was a framed piece of bright yellow talisman and the writing on it was messy and indecipherable.

Just then, Rachel’s feet felt as if they were filled with lead. Her eyes were fixated upon the talisman and it felt as if she was about to bore a hole into it and find out what was beneath the frame.

Just then, Justin could sense that there was something wrong with her. “What’s wrong?”.

However, it seemed that Rachel didn’t hear his words at all and she reached out an arm toward the talisman.

“What are you doing?” Justin pulled her back.

They must not touch a single item here. Otherwise, if Jefferey came back and saw it, (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)he would definitely realize that someone had broken into the place and therefore it would be harder for them to obtain the formula next time if they failed to get it this time.

However, Rachel’s face was as pale as a sheet and she was still staring fixedly on the talisman with a dazed look on her.

Is she possessed?

Meanwhile, Justin frowned and admonished, “Don’t move.”

He was never a believer of spiritual objects, so he reached out his arm and immediately removed the

talisman to reveal the frame behind.

There was a black-and-white artistic photo in the frame and it was evidently taken from a studio. The photo looked like it had been taken in the last century.

The woman had on a traditional outfit and she looked very young. She had a demure smile on her face which somehow looked quite familiar to Justin. He seemed to have seen her from somewhere before.


Suddenly, there was a sobbing sound that came from behind.

Justin was momentarily shocked and he looked back to see a face filled with tears.

Rachel’s hands gripped the bookshelf tightly and her eyes were red-rimmed. Although she tried hard to suppress her emotions, she couldn’t seem to control her immense sorrow and she sobbed in a hoarse voice.

Justin glanced at her face and suddenly, he seemed to comprehend the part of the situation.

The woman in this photo was…

At that moment, Rachel’s vision was blurry. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)The bright-red necklace, the clear birthdate and time, coupled with that exact same photo that she had as well… Each of them seemed to be a clear indication for her.

Just then, the sound of Justin’s phone vibrations rang out from his pocket. Frustrated, he glanced at

the safe right in front of him and then he took a look at Rachel.

After quite some time, he put back the talisman and dragged Rachel out of the room.

“Umphhhh-” Rachel struggled to break free as she wanted to remain there.

“Don’t look at it!” Justin reprimanded her in a low voice. “Even if you continue staring at it, she won’t be able to come back from the dead.”

This woman’s such a bother. If I knew that there would be such an accident, I might as well not get her to come along

At the lounge of the second floor, Frankie sent a paper bag containing a gown into the room before retreating and closing the door after him.

“Mr. Burton, how did Mrs. Burton end up like this?”.

Justin frowned slightly in response and he remained lost in thought. “How did Rachel’s birth mother pass away?”

Previously, he had assigned Frankie to conduct the investigation when he knew that he was going to marry Jefferey’s daughter.

Frankie paused momentarily. “It was due to a car accident.”

“Is that confirmed?”

“This was what was recorded at the police station. Mrs. Burton’s birth mother didn’t have a stable job in the past and she usually went out to work at night. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Once, she consumed too much alcohol and ended up losing control. That’s how she got into a car accident and passed away.”

“What did she work as?”

“Well…” Frankie hesitated.

“After some time, she suddenly quit and left the industry. She disappeared for quite some time and after that, Jefferey received the news that she had passed away from a car accident, leaving a young daughter behind.”


Illicit services?

“It’s started. Everyone’s waiting for you to get there and they’ve asked after you quite a few times already.

However, he didn’t expect that there were so many disruptions which had delayed his time.

Rachel pulled open the door and stood at the entrance. Her new gown was quite figure-forming and the black-colored ruffled dress perfectly accentuated her neck and shoulders, putting her snowy-white neck on display.

I’m fine. I can attend the dinner party.


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