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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 474

Justin noticed the solemn look on Rachel’s face, and the last bit of reservation he had finally dissipated. He didn’t give a dent about how others regarded him, so he had actually offended many people throughout the years of organizing work in the charity foundation.

There were many people who appeared to be fine with him on the surface but actually wanted to kick him out of the foundation. At this point, he only had the support of the old chairman.

“What’s so funny?” Rachel noticed the slight curve on Justin’s lips and she was perplexed. “Did I say the wrong thing?”

“No.” Justin looked out of the window. “I was just thinking that sometimes, perhaps we should consider other people’s opinions when. carrying out something.”

Although the opinions of others were indeed not as important as doing the right and proper thing, words could be quite brutal and it was important to maintain a good reputation too.

“You’re odd,” Rachel commented under her breath and used the little knife to halve the apple. Subsequently, she handed one of them. to Justin. “Here you go. Do you want this?”

He was momentarily stunned and he paused for a moment before reaching out for it. “Thanks.” Rachel frowned slightly. “What happened to your hands?”

She didn’t notice earlier on, but both of Justin’s hands were bandaged up. There was a thin layer of gauze on his hands, and only his fingers were exposed to the air. It looked as if he had on half a pair of gloves.

Justin glanced at her and said, “I’m alright. I just had a slight graze.” As he spoke, Frankie walked into the room with some hot water. “President Burton, President Hudson.”

Rachel greeted him by nodding in response. Frankie handed over a handbag and a sealed transparent bag to Rachel. “President Hudson, this was found in your car. The sealed bag contains your cell phone, your identification card, your driver’s license, and some random objects.”

Rachel’s car was completely written off, but there were plenty of items inside so it was fortunate that Frankie had gone and retrieved them. “Thank you, Assistant Beckham.”

“It’s my pleasure. You’ve done us such a huge favor, so there is no need to thank me for that. It was fortunate that nothing bad had happened to you. If something bad had happened, it would have been my fault.”

Frankie shuddered at the thought of it. His worst nightmare had actually come true. If something bad had happened to Rachel, then it was very likely that Justin would have ripped him to pieces.

Frankie had come over from the canteen and got some takeaway. Subsequently, he helped to adjust the side table attached to the bed.

Justin had gone out to take a call, so Rachel ate as she put her phone on charge and powered it up. “I’ve got to give Jolly a call and inform her. She must be worried sick right now.”

“You don’t have to worry about Miss Carter. President Burton gave her a call personally and informed her that you’re safe.” “What?” Rachel was slightly taken aback. “When did he do that?”

“Last night. After confirming that you were fine,. President Burton called Miss Carter immediately. I heard them talking because I was coincidentally at the entrance.”

Frankie was clearly still frightened from last night’s ordeal as he recounted the matter to Rachel. “President Hudson, you must be unaware of this, but I actually thought that President Burton would collapse as soon as he found out that you were fine, so I was prepared to support his weight. However, he calmly started to make phone calls to tell everyone you were safe. He also started to make arrangements for the distribution of supplies and responded to the people from the foundation…”

“He wouldn’t possibly collapse.” Rachel was slightly resigned as she spoke. “You’re exaggerating.”

“That’s not true. You didn’t see him. After you lost consciousness in the car, he dug at the boulders with a crazed expression, and his hands were bloody and injured from that.”

Rachel was caught by surprise. “After that, the fire brigade arrived and escorted you to the waiting ambulance. His knees. immediately buckled and fell to the ground with a thud.


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