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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Rachel entered the study at night to serve Justin with some tea.

At the sound of the door being opened, he instructed her without looking up, “Put it down.”

Even though she did as he asked her to, she stood there without leaving.

Finally, he looked up at her. “Did you need something else?”

Rachel hesitated for a moment before she signed. Do you have a solution for the medication formula?

While keeping his gaze on her, Justin answered, “We previously missed our chance, (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)so it’ll be difficult for us to go back to Hudson Vineyard. We might be able to head there on the pretext of discussing the wine business, though. Why? Do you have a solution?”

She shook her head.

For now, Rachel didn’t plan on telling him that she had seen the formula.

Since the dosages weren’t listed, she was worried that even if she informed Justin about it, he would think she was hiding something from him.

Justin asked in a careless manner, “I heard Jefferey took you to the vineyard last week. What were you doing there?”

It was right after he dropped the question that Rachel’s heart raced loudly.

How could she have forgotten that he knew her whereabouts like the back of his hand?


Upon seeing that she was unable to explain herself, his gaze darkened. “Did he ask you to do something else?”

As her expression tightened anxiously, she nodded. He gave me a packet of drugs.

“Drugs?” Justin frowned. “What kind of drugs?”

Rachel made a few hand gestures with slight embarrassment.

As he hadn’t learned sign language for a long time, he was completely unable to read the specialized term. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Since he was close to losing his patience, he tossed a pen and a piece of paper onto the table before he instructed, “Write it down. What kind of drug was it?”

Her face reddened. Even after she had picked up the pen, she hesitated for what seemed like eternity before she finally and carefully wrote the word-LSD.

The drug Jefferey gave her was actually researched and developed by Hudson Pharmaceuticals itself. LSD was merely a similar drug that was available on the market.

After having worked in the market for many years, Justin was long accustomed to the darker side of human nature. Drugs like these were always accessories in places like nightclubs and he instantly understood Rachel’s meaning.

“Jefferey wanted you to drug me with it?”

She felt both embarrassed and terrified as she nodded again

He snorted coldly, “And where is it now?”

Rachel pursed her lips. I threw it away.

In truth, she never even brought it back to Burton Residence as she had discarded it outside the house as a precautionary method.

“He doesn’t even consider you a person.” The mocking tone stung as it came from behind the desk and reached her ears.

Although what Justin said was the truth, Rachel neither had the wish nor the method to deny it. Yet, it was still humiliating to be ridiculed like that.

If there’s nothing else, I’m going back to my room now.

He subtly nodded.

As he watched her walk away with such fragility that a slight gust of wind could knock her over, he suddenly asked, “Were there enough wedding favors to share with your coworkers?”

A startled Rachel looked over her shoulder in confusion.

Now that he was separated from her by the length of the study and the huge desk, Justin’s severe face was softened by the soft yellow light above him, which made him suddenly look friendlier-even with

that terrible scar on his face.


The next day, she went to work as usual.

The moment she stepped off the subway, she received a text from Hans. ‘Good morning!

She thought, Come?

As the word flashed before her eyes, Rachel stopped in front of the library and looked up from her phone only to spot a figure with a straight posture, standing by the door and waving at her from a distance. Hans?

“You b*tch, you’re trying to destroy someone else’s happiness just because you‘re unhappy! I’ll kill you!”


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