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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 538

The moment Justin picked up the knife, a dim light flashed across the blade’s edge and reflected on his cold and unwavering eyes; the same pair of eyes that had been hiding the inexpressible deep love he had for someone.

As Dillon quietly watched Justin’s resolution to die for the so-called love, he slowly smiled. Dillon loved drama like this; he clearly remembered he was nineteen when he first witnessed such a scene where his first love kneeled in front of him with another man.

She was the first woman he loved and she cheated on him with his best friend, who did not even possess Justin’s courage. The man raised the knife and plunged it into the woman’s chest without any hesitation and crawled to Dillon, begging for forgiveness. “Dillon, it isn’t my fault. She was the one who seduced me!”

Dillon could still remember vividly how her pair of eyes were filled with disbelief; she naively believed till the last second of her pitiful life that the man would have wanted her to stay alive and committed suicide himself, just like how she was prepared to end her own life to save his.

Of course, Dillon did not spare the man’s life. Before killing the man, Dillon whispered in his ear, speaking almost phlegmatically, “Thanks for killing her, but you should also know that I’m planning on avenging my girlfriend.”

Bang! The sound of a muffled gunshot was heard in the room; it came from a pistol with a silencer. At that moment, Dillon was pulled back into reality. He glanced down in disbelief; a bullet exploded in his chest and accompanied by the smell of burnt flesh. It was the re-enactment of his memory, but this time, he was the one being shot.

He slowly collapsed from the chair and never got to utter his one last word. The last thing he saw was a woman with a pale face holding a gun—she was obviously terrified, but she did not hesitate when she gave him that fatal shot in the chest.

“Young Master Porter!” It was chaos at that point; gunshots were heard everywhere.

As Justin watched things unfold in the blink of an eye, he pulled Rachel to him and swiftly hid behind the table without a dither. Almost at the same time as the first gunshot was heard, Caroline rushed into the room and killed all of Dillon’s lackeys without giving them a chance to react. Obviously, those outside the room were already dead.

“Are you okay?” Caroline directed the question to the only two survivors in the room as she picked up the severed finger on the ground and put it in a sealed bag before handing it to Justin. “Take it with you; perhaps your finger can still be saved.”

Rachel, who was having difficulty processing what had happened, was holding the gun and her face was as pale as a sheet. “I killed someone.” The moment she spoke, it was as if she realized the severity of her action that her hand trembled and she threw that gun away.

Thud. The gun fell to the ground. Rachel remembered that just before Caroline left the room, Caroline pulled her up from the floor and quietly handed her a gun—things went without saying after that.

At that crucial moment when Justin picked up the knife to gouge his eye out, she shot and killed Dillon. She could not and dared not hesitate; she was gambling Justin’s and her life with that shot.

“No, you didn’t kill anyone; it was self-defense,” Caroline comforted Rachel and turned to Justin. “You should leave now. Use the south gate; that place is not guarded. I can’t help you from there on because you’re on your own.”

“What about this place?”

“Leave it to me.”


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