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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58

I didn’t

Rachel shook her head furiously to deny.

“You didn’t join hands with Jefferey, or you didn’t poison me?”

Justin gave another snort. “Ah, I forgot. You didn’t have time to poison me, did you?”

Rachel leaned against the headboard with helplessness reflected in her eyes. She couldn’t do anything except shake her head and deny it.

I really don’t know what that bottle of medicine does. It wasn’t the medicine I got before.

Justin grew impatient. “You don’t have to rush to deny it. It doesn’t matter anymore. By the way, did you forget about something? Our deal is still ongoing.”

Rachel froze.

I already did as you told me to. I went to the vineyard.

“Yes, but what of the end result? You didn’t get the prescription, did you?”.

At the mention of the prescription, Rachel gave her own palm a mighty pinch in an attempt to calm herself.

Will you let me go if I give you the prescription?

Justin’s cold gaze bore into her. “You know the prescription?”

Jefferey took me to the vineyard and showed me the prescription.

“Why would he suddenly take you to the vineyard?”

It‘s part of a deal. I agreed to help with his work at the Burtons.

Justin’s eyebrows scrunched up as he examined her, trying to judge if her words were real.

After a while, he grabbed a notebook from the bedside table and tossed it on the sheets. Then, a cold command came from his thin lips. “Write it down!”

Rachel took the pen with her slender yet pale fingers. She recalled the contents of the prescription she saw in the study that day and replicated them on the notebook stroke by stroke.


After writing down the first ingredient, Rachel’s hand paused for a while. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Justin, who was staring at her. Her heart trembled a little, and then she gritted her teeth as she wrote two words. Three ounces.

“Done?” Justin took the notebook offered to him suspiciously while she gingerly nodded.

The ingredients in the prescription were all traditional medicine and their amounts, which were beyond Justin’s professional knowledge.

“If this were the real deal, then we’ll let bygones be bygones. But if you dare lie to me…” Justin threw her a cold glare, then finished his sentence while putting the prescription away safely. “Be ready for a

permanent stay in the hospital.”

Rachel shivered, then unconsciously gripped the blanket tighter.

After obtaining the prescription, Justin left in a hurry, for he needed to verify it as soon as possible. It was not until after the door clicked shut when Rachel gradually relaxed and stopped pinching her


Phew! She must not stay in Riverdale any longer, and she dared not imagine what would happen to her if Justin found out that the doses in the prescription were incorrect.

Presently in the MPV that was leaving the hospital and heading toward Burton Group.

“Mr. Burton, do we go straight to the company or—”

“To the research institute.”

Justin held the prescription Rachel wrote, deep in thought. After a while, he ordered, “Have someone check if Rachel went to Hudson Vineyard after Jefferey’s birthday celebration.”

Frankie was stunned for a moment. “Understood.”

The car soon arrived at the medical research institute owned by Burton Group that was located on the west side of the city.

Burton Group’s intention to purchase Hudson Pharmaceuticals wasn’t something new. Even before this, Justin had planned its execution for a long while, but Burton Group had never entered the medical field before. Hence, many things had to be built from scratch.

“Mr. Burton! What brings you here?” A middle-aged man in a white coat greeted Justin as he walked out of the laboratory.


Ah, yes. Tommy is my student, and he’s an intern here. Still, the professional tasks are left to the

“What if it was mixed in with the food?


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