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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 64


Chapter 64

The next day.

“Madam! Madam, come upstairs and take a look!”

The inside of the room was dim and the curtains were drawn tight.

Rachel was woken up by the shouts outside the room. With a bang, the door of the room opened from outside. She cowered in fear before the pain on her feet forced her to open her eyes.

Sue stood at the door and with just a glance, she saw Rachel with her bare shoulders and the room was messy. She immediately became upset and scolded, “What the hell is going on?”

The room still smelled of lovemaking while the floor was scattered with women’s intimate clothing. On top of that, there was blood on the sheets mixed with unknown stains too. It was not difficult to imagine what had happened in this room last night.

However, Rachel was bewildered. What happened last night? The soreness all over her body was reminding her of last night’s memory. She was deep asleep when Justin suddenly barged in and tore her clothes. No matter how much she had struggled, he pounced and wrestled with her like a wild animal. As she shuddered violently, she did not dare to believe the scene before her.

“Madam, Miss Amber is still in Young Master Justin’s room.” Mrs. Duncan’s voice came from behind Sue.

Sue glared at Rachel. “Hurry up and wear your clothes! Are you planning to show your body for the whole family to see? What a shameless thing!” With these words, Sue and Mrs. Duncan left in a hurry.

Rachel’s mind went blank as her ears buzzed.

On the other hand, Amber woke up alone from Justin’s bed in the master bedroom. She was unclothed while the large room was empty, save for herself.

Amber.” Sue hurriedly entered.

“Madam Parham!” As soon as Amber saw Sue, she immediately jumped into Sue’s arms and cried.

“What’s wrong with you?

“I don’t know, Madam Parham. Why am I here? Isn’t this Justin’s room? My clothes… Me and Justin…” Amber burst into tears.

Sue looked around the messy bed before she revealed a puzzled look. “Amber, don’t cry first. What happened last night?”

“I don’t know, I don’t remember anything!” Amber’s eyes were red and tears were falling from them. “If my father knows about it, he will kill me!”

Was Amber trying to blackmail the Burton Family? As she was a sly old fox herself, Sue looked slightly contemptuous as she glanced at Mrs. Duncan.

Mrs. Duncan immediately understood and added, “Miss Amber, don’t cry first. Young Master Justin went out early in the morning and he seemed to be sleeping in Mrs. Burton’s room last night.”

At these words, Amber’s tears stopped abruptly and she looked at Mrs. Duncan incredulously.

Sue comforted Amber by patting her shoulder. “It’s okay, Amber; if you can’t remember it, you can

slowly think about it. Go and wash up first while I’ll have someone send you a set of clean clothes.” After saying this, Sue waved her hand and brought Mrs. Duncan away with her.

As soon as the door closed, Sue’s expression sank. “Useless fellow. She literally allowed the chance to slip away herself.”

Mrs. Duncan asked, “Then, about what happened last night…”

“We won’t bother with it. Let her figure it out herself.” A furious Sue coldly added, “That mute ended up benefiting from it!”

Inside the room, Amber’s face was gloomy. Did Justin actually sleep in Rachel’s room last night?

It was noon at the headquarters of Burton Group when Justin ended his call in exasperation after he noted the number of missed calls on his phone. After a while, Frankie came in a hurry. “President Burton, Miss Amber called again. She said she wants to see you.”

“Tell her that I’m not available.”


“Huh?” Frankie froze for a moment, looking incredulous. A geomancy masterwho can tell ones fortune? “President Burton, what do you want to do? I thought you didn’t believe in that.”

Just put it on the table, thanks.  



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