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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 85

Chapter 85

When she searched for the trending entertainment news that day, the first one that showed up was something related to Burton Group. ‘Burton Group CEO, Justin Burton appears with Amber Hudson. That was the first headline she saw, and most of the other news were fake, though that didn’t stop the writers from publishing them. The article that got the most shares went along the lines of ‘Sisters

fighting for the position of CEO wife. At that point, it had more than ten thousand shares.

Rachel paled, losing the courage to keep on scrolling. How should I explain this to Grandma? What if this is the news she saw?

“Don’t worry. I’ll go with you.” Julian reassured her. “It’s not too serious yet, and Justin should have sent his men to keep this down by now.”

We can’t lie anymore.

“You want to tell her the truth?”

That’s all I can do now. Rachel stared down at her phone’s screen that was dark, her fingers trembling.


They arrived at Rachel’s grandmother’s place a short while later, but her grandmother didn’t look too


“I’ll be off to get something. See you later.” Julian excused himself after sending Rachel to her grandmother’s place.

After he closed the door, Nancy sat down on the sofa, turned the TV on, and kept changing the channels.

Rachel fidgeted for a moment, but eventually, she sat down beside her and started testing the waters. Are you mad at me, Grandma?

“Why would I? You just forgot to tell me you got married, after all. You just forgot to tell me who you married. Heard he’s from some kind of company. Rich man, huh? Can’t even find out anything about him.”

Rachel knew she was in the wrong, so she tried her best to comfort her grandmother. You were undergoing a surgery, so I didn’t tell you about the marriage.

“Is that so? So you admit it eh?”

I never wanted to hide it from you. It happened too suddenly, so I didn’t know how I should break it.

Nancy looked at her seriously. “Tell me the truth. Did Jefferey force you into this? What kind of man is

Justin Burton? I heard he’s an ugly, grumpy man.” When Rachel didn’t answer the question, Nancy shot up furiously. “I’m going to have to talk to Jefferey. What kind of man would force his daughter into this?”

Rachel quickly stopped her. No. He’s really nice to me. I was unwilling to marry in the first place, but he isn’t as bad as the media makes him out to be.

“If that’s true, then why is he seeing Amber then?”

It’s a misunderstanding, Grandma. Just some lie a reporter spouted. Don’t believe it.

She quickly scrolled through the older news on her phone and showed it to Nancy. See? He saved my life. The picture showed Justin breaking the car’s window, and Rachel could be vaguely seen in it.

The horrific scene drained the color from Nancy’s face. “When did this happen?”

Rachel held Nancy and caressed her back to calm her down. It’s in the past now. Don’t worry about it.

“Let me have a look. Are you hurt anywhere?”

I’m fine. Really



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