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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Rachel shook her head. My stomach feels sick. Maybe I ate something bad.

“Let’s order something that goes easy on your stomach, then.”

As her gaze drifted away to a spot far away, Rachel could see Amber having dinner with Justin. Because of the distance, she couldn’t hear what they were saying at all, but she could clearly see him

Unknowingly, her hand was gripping the tablecloth underneath the table tightly. Although she was aware that Justin was merely putting up a show with Amber, she was still upset.

Since when did every move that man made affect her heartstrings so greatly? In addition, his contact with any woman would break her heart.

For some unknown reason, she suddenly thought of Gloria. If he could act that attentive with Amber even though it’s just a pretense, then how is he treating Gloria? she wondered.

“What are you looking at?” Hans asked, twisting his head backward as he followed her gaze, but she suddenly grabbed him. “What happened?”

Let’s go to another restaurant. A dark shadow hovered over her eyes.

At night, when all the Burtons had already turned in for the night, Rachel went downstairs to make herself a cup of tea. She ran into Justin who had just returned.

You’re back so late.

“Yeah,” Justin uttered, taking off his jacket and tossing it casually on the couch.

Seeing that he wasn’t going to bother about her, Rachel felt snubbed, and she strode into the kitchen to make her tea with a gloomy look on her face.

Recently, she had spent several late nights as she was busy gathering information about Hudson Pharmaceuticals.

With only the wall lights turned on, the kitchen was a little dingy, and Rachel opened the overhead

cabinet to look for the tea leaves while waiting for the water to boil. After she finally saw the container, she realized that it was placed furthest on the inside, and it was difficult for her to reach it with her height.

A long arm stretched over her head and leaned against the cabinet door. In a nonchalant voice which carried a soft tobacco scent, he asked, “What do you want to get?”

The smell of the man’s cologne traveled up her nose, and she felt a tight squeeze at her heart; even her shoulders shuddered along.

She pointed at the spot, and Justin passed her the tea contalner.

Thank you. She wanted to offer him a cup when she remembered that he always liked the tea she made.

But before she could, he asked, “How are things golng with Hudson Pharmaceuticals?”

Rachel’s fingers, which were about to sign something, turned stiff, and she tasted something bitter from her throat. I found some loopholes, but they aren’t enough to hit any critical points. Jefferey and his employees still don’t trust me at the moment, so maybe I still need to work on it.

“No hurry. The people from the Investigation Bureau are also investigating Hudson Pharmaceuticals. I can still wait a little.”

After giving him a nod, she suddenly remembered what happened at the restaurant and couldn’t help but ask. Are you still in contact with Amber recently?

Jerking his head to look at her with a thoughtful look in his eyes, he asked, “Why?”

It seems like Jefferey is planning to use her to get the information on the tender from you. So, you should be wary of her.

“How did you find out about this?”

Stunned, Rachel noticed that Justin didn’t seem one bit surprised at all. She recollected herself. I heard it by chance. Forget it if you don’t believe me.

The sound of water boiling echoed in the kitchen, and she hurriedly turned around, rushing over to the boiling water. As Justin watched her back while she was busy, the knot between his brows turned tighter. His profile under the lighting appeared especially deep-set with a hint of aloofness.



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