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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99

“Hello, miss. Do you have a reservation?” the waltress at the entrance asked.

Rachel communicated in sign language, and the waitress was at a loss of what to do. Thus, she peered into the restaurant, trying to locate Justin.

“Miss Rachel, over here!” A crisp, clear voice came from a table next to the windows, and it was Gloria waving her hand at Rachel. She was dressed in a pale yellow dress with her hair down around her

shoulders, and her smile was refreshing and warm.

Rachel felt her heart drop, and her grip on her handbag tightened without her realizing. The seat was at the table next to the window, and the view outside was the bright lights of the city.

Why are you here?

“Justin is making a call right there,” Gloria explained, pointing to the outdoor dining area.

Through the French windows, Rachel saw his tall figure with his back facing the restaurant while he spoke into the phone, and a complicated look flashed in her eyes.

“What would you like to eat, Miss Rachel? We placed our orders earlier, but you should take a look as well,” Gloria said, pushing the menu to her. Rachel only managed to glance at the menu when Gloria added, “Why don’t you try this, Miss Rachel? I think it’s not bad, and this dessert as well. I ordered one earlier. Would you like one as well?”

Rachel froze for a moment and decided to stop flipping the menu, pushing it away. You can decide.

“I hope you won’t mind that I’m joining you guys for dinner.”

Curling the edge of her lips, Rachel forced a smile. I don’t mind. We’re here to discuss work, anyway.

“Actually, it was only both of you having dinner together tonight, but I asked if I could join when we were getting off from work, and Justin agreed to let me tag along.”

Narrowing her eyes, Rachel could clearly feel a trace of pressure.

“For a business marriage like yours, actually you have no relationship to speak about besides business, right?”

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not interested in the title of Mrs. Burton, so you don’t have to worry about me as a threat. However, I won’t leave Justin’s side in this lifetime. We’ve known each other for ten years

Instantly, Rachel dug her fingernails into her palms. Ten years… she repeated in her head. Justin already knew this girl for ten years. How old was this girl even ten years ago?

Just what is your relationship with him? Rachel asked.

Giggling, Gloria peered over Rachel’s shoulders and said, “You’re done with your call? I just finished ordering the food with Miss Rachel.”

The glass on the window reflected Justin’s figure as he walked up from behind Rachel and naturally slid into a seat next to Gloria without hesitation. In comparison, Rachel was the one who seemed like an outsider.

“What were you chatting about? You seem so excited.”

“Miss Rachel just asked me what’s our relationship, but you came back before I could answer her.”

Hearing that, Justin glanced at Rachel and said, “You didn’t seem like such a curious person to me

Rachel was startled, and Gloria quickly said, “She was just asking casually. Why are you being so fierce? It’s kinda terrifying.”

The muscles on Justin’s face eased up, and he changed the topic of conversation. “How are things going with Hudson Pharmaceuticals?” Rachel cast a glance at Gloria, and he explained calmly, “It’s okay. Gloria is not an outsider. Just speak your mind.”

His words sent a wave of jealousy over Rachel’s chest, leaving her feeling bleak. On the other hand, Gloria merely chuckled. “I’m not the least Interested in your official business. You guys can continue while I go to the washroom.”

Rachel passed a document to Justin. Just as you expected, Hudson Pharmaceuticals is in a financial crisis after falling out with Pacific Inc. Now, they’re in a desperate need for funding, and Jefferey wants me to ask for help from you. As part of the deal, I requested access to the original accounts, and I’ve already gone through a part of it.

“The financial situation of Hudson Pharmaceuticals is worse than I imagined.”

What do you plan to do?


Closing the document, Justin looked up at her with a composed face. “Isn’t Jefferey hoping that I’ll help him out? I’ll do as he wishes and help him.”


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