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Doted by My Billionaire Husband (Olive and Elvis) novel Chapter 208

Chapter 208 Sight Loss

Olive threw the phone to Pamela, then turned around and left.

Pamela had froze. She was really angry. She didn’t expect that Olive would react that way to the video.

Pamela scoffed and went to check up on her mother..

After Olive left the hospital, she took out her phone and called North.

The call was swiftly connected, and North’s soft voice passed over,

“Olive, I’ve already sent the old man to the hospital. The bodyguards are watching him each second. Don’t worry. I’m here as well.”

Olive felt a wave of warmth flow across her heart. Sure enough, a human needed a friend to rely on. “North, thank you for your help. I won’t come over tonight, just in case Pamela’s has sent someone to follow me.

“No problem, Olly. There are doctors and professional caregivers here. The old man is recuperating quite well. You can go on with your Mr. Augustine.”

Hearing Elvis’s name, Olive bowed her head slowly.

“Olive, is something wrong?” North had been Olive’s bestfriend for years. She could instantly decipher when Olive’s mood changed.

Olive looked beneath her feet, and nodded,


“It’s normal for a husband and wife to quarrel, but do not allow the quarrel to linger till the next day.” North paused and then continued,

“In order for Pamela and the others not to take advantage of you guys fight, I advise you coax your husband tenderly. Coax and dote on your husband. That way, you’ll hold him firmly in your hands, and no one can take him away.”

Olive was amused.

“North, the last I checked, you didn’t have a boyfriend. How do you know so much?”

“I think you fail to understand that I came to this earth to study men.” North muttered and then let out a low laugh.

Olive’s mood improved a lot. She knew fully well that North was teasing her.

However, Olive halted for a while, because her vision was slowly turning blur. And suddenly, she could not see anymore.

“North, I’ll head home. I’ll talk to you later,”

“Okay, girl.” North hung up.

Olive put away her phone. She didn’t mention to North about her condition, for she feared that North would discover her abnormality.

Her eyes

weren’t capable of seeing anything. The entire world before her became dark. An instinctive panic and uneasiness swept across her. Olive stood still and didn’t move.


The Substitute irade loted by My Hair Husband

Chapter 308 Sight Loss

She quickly took her phone from her hand bag, instinctively, she clicked on Elvis’s number which was pinned in her contact list, then she placed a call to him.

The phone rang once, and then it was picked up. Elvis’s low and magnetic voice sounded,


Olive tightened her grip on her phone.

“Mr. Augustine, it’s me, are you still at the company? Can you come over and pick me up?”

“Where are you?”

“I’m at the Blueberry Hospital.”


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