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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 52

Outsiders might think that Matthew was a lone wolf, a cool and collected person determined to achieve his goals no matter what.

But there was another side to him that very few people knew about.

Unreasonable? A horrible flirt? Thick-skinned?

And so many other qualities that she had yet to discover.

What the hell am I thinking!

What else is there worth discovering?

Clarissa wanted to push Matthew away and leave him behind in an ultra-cool fashion.

But the reality was that she wasn’t strong enough to push him away, and she couldn’t act cool at all.

She gave up on trying to push him away. Furrowing her eyebrows, she said, “Let go of me. I want to go home.”

“Go home? To let your mother send you straight to Luke’s bedroom?”

His words hit a nerve.

Clarissa was so frustrated she wanted to scream. If she went back to her apartment, she might have to deal with Hilary’s various acts of victimhood and attempts to gain pity. And even if she tried to prevent herself from feeling any emotions, there was no way she could be cruel towards her own mother.

So, she calmed down and just stood there.

Matthew chuckled under his breath, the hint of a mocking smile on his face.

This woman’s too stubborn and prideful to take back what she said. I bet she’s waiting for me to be the one to persuade her to stay.

“Are you staying?”

Clarissa forced herself to glance at him. “I’m taking the guest room downstairs.”

“Of course. Did you think you were going to get to sleep in the master bedroom? Or worse, sleep with me?” Matthew raised an eyebrow.

“You… You wish!”

Clarissa’s jaw clenched in annoyance.

He had already let go of her and was heading upstairs.

Just as he turned the corner, he looked back to say, “Don’t come out of your room at night. I’m afraid you might come into my room and take advantage of me.”

“That’s supposed to be my line.”

She pulled a silly face behind Matthew’s back to relieve her anger.

Soon after, Mrs. Lawson silently appeared out of nowhere to help her with her sleeping arrangements. Clarissa laid down on her bed after everything was settled, but she didn’t feel sleepy in the slightest.

It got worse when it started to rain outside. In the end, she sat up and left the guest room.

A small, dim lamp in the living room illuminated the silhouette of a man sitting on the sofa.

All her feelings of sentiment, sadness, and depression swiftly cleared from her head. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Matthew spoke up.

“Come here.”

“I just came out for a glass of water.”

Matthew didn’t seem to be in the casual, light-hearted mood from earlier. Instead, his expression was solemn and his voice sounded cold.

Placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it up, he started playing with the lighter between his fingers. The tiny flame dancing and flickering in the air looked unsafe.

He didn’t say anything else to her. Steeling herself, Clarissa went to the kitchen and drank from a water bottle before leaving for her room.

She only took a few steps out of the kitchen before sighing heavily, turning around to tell him, “Smoking is bad for your health, same goes for staying up late. Get some sleep.”


Matthew looked up at her, his eyes glinting in the dark. “Is that concern I hear?”

“No. I’m just saying.”

His deep laughter rang out in the silence. “I like the fact that you never say what you truly feel.”

Clarissa rolled her eyes. “I’m going to sleep. Goodnight.”

She hurried back to her room. Now that her mind was cleared of all nonsensical thoughts, she was able to fall asleep rather quickly.

A few minutes later, the door to her room was slowly pushed open, and Matthew walked in. Standing by the side of the bed, he felt envy well up inside of him as he watched her peaceful sleeping face.

Taking a closer look at her face, he realized that she was breathing through her mouth in shallow, even breaths, her small and perfectly shaped lips slightly agape.

He leaned down and kissed her without a second thought, moving his lips against hers until she made a sound of discomfort in her sleep.

Clarissa flipped over, her back now facing him. He shook his head and laughed under his breath before silently exiting the room.

When Clarissa woke up, the sun was already hanging high in the sky. Turning over and stretching her body, she opened her eyes and blinked drowsily for a moment. The sleepiness quickly disappeared when her unfamiliar surroundings finally registered in her mind. She sat up and immediately grabbed her phone.

It’s twenty minutes past ten…

She had missed breakfast and was nearly going to miss lunch as well.

Rubbing her temples, she got up and spotted a set of brand new clothes for her to wear at the foot of the bed.

She walked out of the guest room, feeling embarrassed when she bumped into Mrs. Lawson in the dining room.

“You’re finally awake, Miss.”

“Mrs. Lawson, I’m so sorry for waking up late. Um, about breakfast…”

“It’s alright, sir didn’t say anything. Would you like to eat?”

“Yes, thank you…”

After she got some food in her, Clarissa started making preparations for lunch. Her reason for doing so was that fresh produce was being delivered to the house every day, and she had some free time on her hands.

She was done before noon and tasked someone with sending the food to Matthew. Then, she took her laptop and went to the living room, her mind wandering as she sat on the sofa.

She knew that this ambiguous situation with Matthew was not good.

Her rationality and her emotions were internally wrestling with each other. Her brain clearly understood that Matthew was not the right partner for her, but her heart kept pulling her toward him.

What am I doing? She thought that maybe things were continuing this way because it was what she had been unconsciously hoping for all along.


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