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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 53

“No way!”

Despite Clarissa’s refusal, it was no use.

At the moment, she was at the airport’s VIP lounge with Matthew, who was gripping her hand tightly, keeping her beside him. Her expression showed how unhappy she was with the situation.

“I’ve already sent you here, so can I leave now?” She asked.

She couldn’t wait to leave, but Matthew refused to let go of her. He pulled her into his arms, his hot breath tickling the side of her neck. Occasionally, he would peck at the corner of her lips and her cheek. All these actions made them seem like a couple who just fell in love.

After struggling for some time, Clarissa gave up. She decided to switch up her strategy by looking bored, hoping the man would realize it and let her go.

She failed to realize how naive her thought was.

Just when Matthew was about to reach his hands into her top, she finally begged, “Matthew, Uncle Matthew, Mr. Tyson, can’t you just please let me go?”

In response, Matthew chuckled, making Clarissa shrank when she felt his breath on her neck.

“Be good. If you call me sir, I will let you go,” he offered.


Without hesitation, Clarissa yelled, “Uncle!”

Her voice was filled with conviction.

Looking at Matthew pressing his lips together in annoyance, she could not hold back her smile.

However, her joy was short-lived. She yelped in pain when he grabbed her chin.

Glaring coldly at her, Matthew dared her, “Why don’t you repeat that again?”

It did not seem like a request, but an order.

Clarissa did not dare to call him an uncle again and complied with his demand.


As soon as she opened her mouth, she felt like a servant fulfilling her master’s wishes. She cursed inside her head repeatedly, unable to understand where Matthew’s nasty fetish came from.

Knock! Knock!

Hearing that, Clarissa felt as though she won the lottery.

“Will you look at the time! Mr. Sheldon is asking you to hurry! We can’t have you miss the flight now.”

Smirking, Matthew lowered his head and planted a deep kiss on her lips that were smiling before releasing his grip.

Walking out of the lounge, Clarissa was very well-behaved as she was afraid that he would do something else to her. She could only let out a breath of relief after she sent him off to board the plane.

After that, she returned to her apartment. She cleaned up before gathering her thoughts to write some new content. By the time she looked up from her laptop, it was already dark outside, and her stomach was grumbling.

Munching on the food delivery she ordered, she watched a variety show happily.

Now this is what freedom feels like.

The next day, Clarissa freed up some time to visit Ellie’s studio.

From the start, Ellie never wanted to join her family’s business. Since she liked fashion, she decided to grow in that area. Eventually, she had her own studio to sell clothes and jewelry she designed.

There was only two staff present. As Ellie’s business focused mainly on online sales, they only needed staff for their shoots and other miscellaneous tasks.

Coincidentally, when Clarissa visited, Ellie was photographing some of her clothes. Without asking for permission, Ellie dragged her aside to be her model.

Clarissa was beautiful and had a good figure, so her photos were not inferior to those of professional models. While looking through the photographs, Ellie grinned like she won the jackpot. “Ms. Tyson, I’m curious. Why is all your family so domineering? Do all of you like to force others into doing things?” Clarissa scoffed.

Confused, Ellie raised her head. “Huh? What do you mean? In my family, other than me, who else dared to force you into doing something?” she remarked casually without giving much thought to it.

On the other hand, Clarissa realized she had made a mistake by saying that. Hurriedly, she tried to conceal her slip up by turning around to sort her clothes.

Then, she uttered, “One of you is enough. I can’t stand another one of you.”

“Haha, but I am still your best friend, right?” Ellie teased.

Clarissa smiled at the other woman. “Yes, you are my best friend! Are you done with the shooting? I want to change out already.”

“Not yet! There are still two extra special outfits. I need you to wait for a moment!”

With a suspicious-looking smile on her face, Ellie was acting mysteriously. In the next minute, she brought her “special” outfits out.

Instantly, Clarissa swore defensively, “No way in hell am I continuing with the shoot! There is no way I’ll do it!”

These are not clothes! They are more like underwear!

“But, Clare, I’ve put a lot of effort into designing these outfits. Look at them, they’re so beautiful. Here, what if I give one of them to you as compensation?” Ellie whined.

“I don’t want it and I am not doing the shoot!”

Although Ellie tried to continue persuading Clarissa, the latter was resolute in her decision.

Shaking her head, Ellie sighed, “Alright, I knew that you would not agree to it. But still, I wish to wear the two outfits with you and take some photos that we can keep privately. It will not be published nor circulated publicly. Is that okay? Do you remember what we said in college back then? We agreed to take photos together one day, whether in wedding dresses, normal clothing, or underwear. Today is the day!”

Realizing that Clarissa was still hesitating, Ellie quickly swore, “I promise that the photos will never see the light of day and will only be for our eyes.”

“Fine,” Clarissa finally agreed.

Even though Clarissa was an upright child, she was a bold woman. Otherwise, she would not be best friends with someone like Ellie.

Minutes later, the studio was filled with laughter and screams from time to time.

The two staff outside could not help but grin after hearing those noises. They knew that the pair of besties were shooting in their underwear. Any stranger who heard them would be suspicious of what they were up to.

After the shoot was over, Clarissa was blushing slightly. Seeing that her face was as red as a tomato, the staff outside kept their gaze on her.

“Done. I’ve sent the photos to your email, so you can appreciate them slowly,” Ellie chimed.

Looking at her pictures from the shoot, Clarissa hesitated.

She asked, “Are you really sending these to your shop?”

Without missing a beat, Ellie exclaimed, “Of course! You match well with this season’s outfits. Why? Do you want me to pay you?”

“Pfft, like I’d dare to ask you to pay me.” Clarissa shook her head.

“Haha, you know me so well. In the future, you will have to come over often and be my model. You have a good figure and a pretty face. It’s a waste if you don’t use them!”

When night fell, Ellie sent Clarissa home after they had dinner together.


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