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The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren) novel Chapter 44

I scream as the electric currents shoot through my entire body. When it’s done, I sag against my chains.

“Tell us what we need to know” My torturer who I came to know is called Alec snarls in frustration.

I take deep breaths. Trying to breathe in through the pain. Everything single inch of my body hurts but that hasn’t prevented them from continuing their torture.

“Tell us what we need to know Lauren. Make this easier for yourself” Sebastian tells me. His eyes glaring at me.

He was seated on a chair by the door. Watching as they tortured me. He didn’t move to help me. Nor did it seem like he cared.

“I told you I am not the killer. I didn’t commit those murders.” I say through the pain.

I was stripped naked after that first day when I arrived. I don’t know if this is how they treat prisoners but I doubt it.

Maybe they thought I didn’t deserve an ounce of decency since apparently I was a heartless murderer.

“Wrong answer” Sebastian says and nods his head at Alec.

Alec switches on the machine that shocks me over and over again. Instead of the one minute he kept it on, this time he keeps it on longer. I scream and scream but it has no effect on them.

They just look at me in disgust. No remorse in their eyes. I expected this from Alec, but to have it from Sebastian? It broke whatever I had started feeling for him.

“Please stop!” I beg them. My voice barely above a whisper.

Alec switches off the machine and I slump. I had no energy left in me. Why couldn’t they just believe me? Why did they want me to confess to something I didn’t do?

“We’re taking a break because honestly looking at you disgusts me.” Sebastian spat hatefully. “When we come back you better have the answers we want”

He stands up and leaves without even so much as a backward glance. Alec does the same after putting his toys away and switching the lights off.

I stand there in the dark. Feeling cold and tired. I allow my tears to fall freely now that there was no one to see me break down.

I thought that I had finally gotten my life on track. That pain and heartache were behind me. But here I am, once again. Feeling betrayed by a man I called my mate.

I thought there was something more between us. With the way he protected me, comforted, held and kissed me. I started believing something was growing between us.

Once again I was wrong though . The fact that he would sit there and do nothing while I was being tortured. That he would actually be the one giving them the green light to do it. Just proved how I had misunderstood his behavior towards me.

“Blue” I softly call.

She answers but just like me, she’s weak. The silver was poisoning her. Keeping her down

“Do you know anything about this?” I ask her.

Unable to respond, she just shakes her head.

I don’t bother her after that. She needed to preserve her energy.

I still don’t understand why they are so convinced I am the killer. No matter what I tell them, they don’t believe me. They just think that I am lying.

I try to get into a more comfortable position, but the pain that shoots down my spine has me clenching my teeth and tears filling my eyes.

Why was this happening to me?

I have been here for two days. I asked how Krystal and Jax were doing but Sebastian told me I had no right to dirty their names with my filthy mouth.

It had fucking hurt to hear him say. More than he could ever know. The three sixty degrees turn he made towards me still baffled me. I didn’t know how to handle that.

All too soon they’re back. I can’t help the fear that takes over my features when I see the sinister smile of Alec.



I hear her scream and I grit my teeth against the pain in her voice. Saying that Fang and I were pissed would be an understatement.

I can’t believe I let her play me for a fool. The fact that I’ve been played by a woman for the second time pisses me off.

Why the hell didn’t we see this coming? The truth was right in our fucking faces.

I saw the monster lurking within her. A predator. A killer.

She revealed her true self on the day of our mating ceremony when she attacked Miranda and when she was kidnapped, but I ignored the signs

I’ve been living with a killer this entire fucking time. She must have been laughing behind my back the entire time I was searching. Mocking me for thinking the killer was a man.

I ball my hands in fists. The need to hit something strong. I partly feel guilty for not noticing this earlier. We could have saved so many lives if only I had been attentive.

“Just tell us why you did it? Why did you kill all those people?” Alec asks her.

“I swear I didn’t. I didn’t do anything” she cries.

She looked weak and tired. If it wasn’t the fact that I had proof I would have believed her. She was truly a good fucking actress.

She turns to look at me. “Why are you all so sure it’s me? Someone is trying to frame me”

Her eyes are pleading for me to believe her but I don’t. Why would I? we had all the proof we needed.

I glare at her. “So you want to tell me your own daughter is trying to frame you?”


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