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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Clack. The sound of the door knob turning could be heard loud and clear.

Gloria and Rachel froze for a moment, and the former’s words came to an abrupt halt. She was surprised by this, and she looked at Justin as he walked inside. “When did you arrive?”

Meanwhile, the man’s expression was cold.

“Gloria, go back to your room for now.”

Gloria stiffened up and eyed Rachel worriedly. She only left once the latter signaled that she would be fine.

Justin and Rachel were now the only ones left in the room.

“You don’t intend to keep the child?”

His cold voice resounded throughout the room.

Now that Gloria had left, it felt as though the temperature in the room had dropped by several degrees.

Rachel gripped her blanket tightly. Yes.

Since the baby was fated to live a tragedy if they were born, it would be better if they never got to start their story. They would be born to a mute mother who wouldn’t have the ability to protect them, and to a father who did not love them at all. Who would be able to bear such a childhood?

Rachel’s composed expression incensed Justin. “And who let you make such a decision by yourself?”

A shadow loomed over her. The sudden assault of pain from her arm made Rachel suck in a breath. Her face, which was already pale, completely drained of color then.

Most frighteningly, she was surprised to find that she could feel a faint sense of happiness.

At the very least, Justin wanted the baby.

“Listen up carefully-you will keep this child. You don’t have the right to decide otherwise. Your job includes giving the Burtons children, and they will bear the Burton name. You don’t have to care for them; all you need to do is birth them. Once they’re born, someone else will take care of them.”

Those words of his were like cold water from a bucket, drenching Rachel and making a bone-deep chill settle inside her.

Did Justin not intend for her to raise her own children?

She stared at the man before her in disbelief, her heart lurching violently.

Justin whipped her hand away, his gaze frosty beyond comprehension. “Do not make me remind you of your place again-you are just something that Jefferey Hudson gave us. I do not have that much patience for you!” He even delivered another whammy before he left. “Take a guess as to whether that old man can live the rest of his life in peace if something happens to that child?”

Rachel’s face was an ashen color.

The door slammed shut, and the walls vibrated from the impact.

All of a sudden, she felt nauseous. With a hand on the wall, she ran over to the bathroom and repeatedly dry heaved.

Everything before her disgusted her.

All the good people were either dead or being threatened. Meanwhile, the evil people who were left were living their lives out in the open with no restraints despite all the evils they had committed. In a mid-sized city

like Riverdale, people were used to dirtying their hands for an advantage, and they stepped on others to get ahead in life.

After Justin stepped out of the room, he looked at his hands. He had used too much strength when he closed the door, and his hands had felt the impact. His ears were buzzing as well.

In reality, he was feeling quite regretful.

“Are you all right, Mr. Burton?” Frankie had been waiting outside all the while. “Miss Hochmann has been worried sick.”

Justin frowned. A brief silence later, he spoke. “Let the old man go for now.”


“Send someone to keep an eye on him.”

“Understood.” Frankie didn’t dare to ask too much. As he followed Justin out of the building, he gave a report on the company. “We have some results from the investigation on that foreign account. Each time a huge sum of money was credited into it, Amber just so happened to be abroad.”

Justin’s brows furrowed.



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