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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Night came, and Rachel leaned against the headboard of her bed as she read her book. There was a bowl near the bed, and its contents-a concoction to keep her energy levels up during her pregnancy-was already finished. As Rachel read her book, she unconsciously caressed her belly.

Although she wasn’t at a stage where her belly would show yet, she could already sense the presence of this new little life. This was probably what they called the bond between mother and child.

Rachel had spent the last few days alone, and as the days passed, she grew even more fonder of this child. She recalled that Justin had also grown up without his own parents as well. As long as the child in her belly had the Burtons’ blood flowing in their veins, no one would mistreat them. After all, the child was innocent.

Just then, the door opened with a creak. The light footsteps that Rachel then heard were different from how they usually sounded. She froze, and when she turned around, she saw an unwelcome guest. Amber?

Why are you here?

“Why are you so surprised?” Amber paced around her room. “I heard that you’re pregnant, so I came all the way to see you. After all, that kid in your belly is my nephew.”

Amber then stretched a hand out, and the diamond ring glinting on her ring finger was especially radiant. “Take a look. What do you think this is?”

Rachel frowned. What exactly is your motive?

A document then fell onto Rachel’s blanket with a smack.

“Sign this.”

Rachel stiffened, having seen the words ‘divorce agreement written on the paper. She then looked up in disbelief.

Amber was absolutely smug. “Justin wanted me to bring this to you. He’s already signed it. As soon as you sign the papers, you won’t have any more ties with him.”

That’s impossible.

“Impossible?” Amber chuckled coldly. “You really thought that your position as the lady of the Burton family is secured just because you’ve got a bun in the oven? Let me tell you this-all I need to do is make some little scheme, then that child in your belly will become utterly worthless.” The Albrights overseas? It’s all just a cover.

Amber had begun putting her plans together ever since she heard about Rachel’s pregnancy. After all, she didn’t believe that Justin felt nothing toward her. Men were the embodiment of jealousy, so if Amber showed signs that she would leave, Justin would certainly find a way to stop her from doing so-even if that meant kicking Rachel out of the picture.

“This is an ambitious gamble. If I lose, then the only thing I can do is go abroad. However, it’s clear that I’ve won this gamble.” Amber showed off her ring, a pleased look plastered on her face. “I love the ring that Justin has given me. We’re about to get engaged, so don’t blame me when I show you the door if you insist on continuing to embarrass yourself.”

Rachel clutched the paper tightly, and her face was awfully pale. This was impossible. Justin has said before that he wants me to keep this child. I won’t believe you.

“Who cares if you keep that kid? Don’t worry, I’ll help you take good care of the baby as long as it isn’t a stillborn!”

Amber’s hand reached over, and Rachel whipped the former’s hand away in fear. As a result, the sharp edges of the diamond on the ring sliced across Rachel’s face. Instantly, she felt a deep pain worming its way through her flesh.

Amber let out a surprised shriek and glared at her balefully. “What did you do? You’ve dirtied my ring!”

Rachel pulled her blanket off and got out of bed.

“Where are you going?”

Move. I’m going to look for Justin and get the answers straight from him. Evidently, Rachel did not believe a

single word of what Amber said.

“Stop right there. Justin doesn’t want to see you at all. How can you be so insolent?”

As they tussled, the bowl fell to the floor with a crash before shards of porcelain flew everywhere.



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