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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Back in the Burton Residence, Sue specially prepared a scrumptious meal and waited with Amber for Justin to be back for dinner.

“Amber, we’re a family from now on. Although you guys are just engaged, the marriage date has already been decided. So, you’ll marry into our family very soon.”

“Madam Parham, this matter is not finalized yet.” Amber blushed.

Just then, she heard the sound of the door opening from the outside and quickly laid down her cutleries. “Justin.”

Sue walked up too. “Justin, see how virtuous Amber is. It’s only the second day of your engagement and she came over to arrange a meal which consists of all your favorite dishes.”

Justin wore a cold and nonchalant expression. “I’ve eaten already. You guys go ahead.”

At once, the smile on Amber’s face froze.

Sue comforted her, “It’s okay. Maybe Justin had dinner with his clients earlier. Don’t bother about him, Amber. Let’s eat on our own.”

Sue invited Amber to the dining table, but the latter had completely lost her appetite because she was well aware of where Justin came back from.

Julian placed his keys on the table. “No one will be staying here for a while. So, you can stay here first and let me know if you need anything.”

Rachel nodded. Thank you.

Initially, Julian rented this place for Nancy to live in. At that time, Nancy turned it down lest Justin would be unhappy about it. Who knew after the efforts of trying to find the place a new owner, Julian would be staying in it himself.

“Do you still have no intention of telling Madam Tiller about this matter? If you tell her now, you can directly move in to stay with her.”

Rachel shook her head. Grandma is already old. Too many things have happened recently, and I don’t want her to be worried about me.

Julian nodded reflectively.

“Settle down here and stop worrying too much then. This place is close to both the hospital and Madam

Tiller’s residence.”

Sure. Thank you, Julian.

“The Burton Family has done you wrong. I’m also doing this so that I’ll feel less guilty.”

Suddenly, Julian recalled something. “But I don’t understand why Justin insists on marrying the Hudsons’ daughters. Is he not satisfied after marrying you? Why does he want to marry Amber all of a sudden? What on earth is he thinking?”

There are grudges between him and Jefferey.


Julian frowned. “Do you know what the grudges are exactly?”

I’m not too sure either. He has not told me before.


Rachel’s palm reddened as she held the hot mug. Amber is the one whom he wants to marry since the beginning, so he’s just returning to his original plan now.

Now that they had lost their child, the final connection between her and Justin had ceased too. Regardless of the reason behind Justin’s plan to marry Amber, his wish could finally be fulfilled now; it was time for Rachel to let go of herself too.

It was already midnight, but the light in Burton Group’s CEO office was still on.

“President Burton, these are the documents about Hudson Pharmaceuticals’ overseas transactions in the past three years which you’ve requested. Besides that, here is the information about Miss Hudson’s immigration record.”

“Alright. Is there any news about Jefferey recently?”

“He has been reducing domestic investments but is rather diplomatic with the overseas party. Do you think he’s planning to expand the business abroad?”

“Things might not be so simple.” Justin’s eyes turned cold. “I reckon he’s rushing to transfer the assets to a secret account abroad because he knows the investigation bureau is investigating Hudson Pharmaceuticals and he won’t be able to conceal the truth for much longer, so he’s finding a way out for himself now.”

“It seems like Jefferey is going abroad for some business engagement at the end of this month.”

“He’s going there personally?”

“Yeah. I got this news from our spy in Hudson Pharmaceuticals, so it should be reliable.”


Justin pondered about it. “The officers in the investigation bureau would be happy to receive this news.”

“Find a chance to inform the deputy chief, but leave no trace.”


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