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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Justin was stunned while Rachel’s eyes were brimmed with agonized tears.

No one knew exactly how much pain Rachel had to endure after suffering from the loss of a child, but Justin still refused to let go of her.

“We’ll still have kids in the future.”

Justin’s hoarse voice that echoed in the stairway could make one feel surreal.

Startled, Rachel stared at him and shook her head while stepping backward in disbelief.

How can he say this?

She was fuming. You still refuse to let go of me! What on earth have I done wrong?

Rachel didn’t want to have anything to do with the man in front of her at all.

Please let go of me! I’m begging you! If you hate the Hudson Family and Jefferey, go after them!

All of a sudden, Justin’s eyes were filled with intense anger as Rachel’s words had irritated him.

Rachel felt a sudden, immense pain in her wrist. Wailing in pain, she stood fixedly at the spot as she wasn’t able to retreat anymore.

It seemed as if the fire was going to blast out from Justin’s eyes, but his voice was as cold as ice. “Since you know I hate the Hudsons, then you should stop your wishful thinking.”

Jefferey was responsible for the fire that happened 20 years ago, and none of the Hudsons could be exempted.

“Don’t you always want to know why I hate the Hudson Family? I’ll tell you right now!”

“20 years ago, Jefferey forcefully burned down a huge piece of the forest to drive out the residents in order to develop the area. A person died in the fire, and this person has saved my life before!”

Rachel’s pupils dilated all of a sudden as she was astounded.

Someone… died in the fire?

“A father’s debt should be borne by his children. Do I still need to explain this theory to you?”

A fierce voice buzzed at Rachel’s ear.

Perhaps it was because of the appearance of the human trafficker, or because Jefferey’s intention of leaving Riverdale was getting too obvious recently, the hatred that had been buried deep down in Justin exploded all of a sudden in these few days.

Seizing Rachel’s wrist, he snarled, “Don’t you ever dare think of leaving Riverdale in this lifetime. I will make you stay beside me forever and pay for the Hudsons’ sin.”

Rachel was frightened by the brutality in Justin’s eyes. She was engulfed by his coldness as it traveled rapidly from her eyes to her entire body.

From the very beginning, this man’s intention was to take revenge on the Hudson Family. Both Rachel and Amber were just a tool for him to get revenge on the family. He wanted to destroy each and everyone from the family!

Rachel was overwhelmed by intense fear. At that moment, her face turned ashen as she started struggling in terror.

Let go of me! Let go of me!


A voice screamed incessantly in her, which made her start struggling crazily.

Annoyed, Justin seized her and pushed her against the wall all of a sudden. “That’s enough!” he roared.

Rachel could feel her head buzz as the back of it knocked against the wall.

Just then, the sound of a phone vibrating emerged.

Justin’s eyes turned clear slightly.

After glancing at the incoming caller ID, he shot a cold glare at Rachel. “You better remember carefully everything I’ve said to you today. Otherwise, don’t forget that Irwin and your grandma are not as fit as you. I’ll take you back to live in Burton Residence once I finish settling my stuff.”

The cold voice echoed in the stairway.

Click! The light in the stairway went off.

Rachel inhaled deeply and started coughing intensely.

When Julian arrived, Justin had already left.

Rachel stood numbly against the wall.

“What happened, Rachel?”

Julian swiftly supported Rachel just as she was about to slump to the ground. However, when he grabbed her hand, he noticed the red finger marks and obvious bruise on her wrist.



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