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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142

When the call was disconnected, Rachel’s body was trembling and she hurriedly tried to return the call. “Sorry, the number you dialed is unavailable.”

She screamed at the wall and her hoarse voice echoed in the large living room as her brain buzzed. Justin…

Justin is now the only person who can save Grandma.

Without thinking, she ran out of the lobby of the hotel. There, she saw Justin entering a car at the entrance as soon as he exited the elevator. She quickly went after him, trying to call out to him, but no sound came out of her throat and she could only watch the black car drive away from the entrance. She chased after the car on foot, as if she could not feel the pain on her soles, while she desperately tried to catch up. Soon, the car stopped at a traffic light intersection, but when she was about to catch up, her knees weakened before her whole body fell forward toward the ground as her vision went dark.

As the intense pain from her knees spread throughout her body, she almost did not even have the strength to raise her head. All she could do was curl up on the side of the road like a dying shrimp. At this moment, passersby pointed at her and gossiped.

“What’s wrong with that woman?”

“I don’t know; should I call the police?”

“It’s a woman.”

“Is it a car accident? Why is she not even wearing shoes?”

After a long time, a male voice came from among the chaos of voices, “Mrs. Burton?”

Rachel’s head buzzed for a moment.

“President Burton, it’s her!” Frankie shouted sharply toward the back.

When she lifted her head, a tall figure was coming through the crowd and striding toward her. The moment they looked at each other, Justin’s cold, frosty face was scrunched up in anger. “Are you seeking death? Why are you chasing the car along the road?”

Please, save Grandma.

Rachel was lying at Justin’s feet, resisting the pain and gesturing toward him for help.

“Get her back to the hotel and call a doctor.”

“Yes, President Burton.”

There were wounds all over Rachel’s knees, elbows and soles of her feet. After the doctor had treated her wounds, he threw all of the bloodied cotton balls and gauze into the trash.

“It’s nothing serious, but just be careful to keep the wounds dry to prevent an infection.”

“Thank you, doctor.” Frankie sent the doctor out. “President Burton, there is something fishy about this matter.”

“Definitely.” Justin’s expression sank. “We just confirmed the winning bid. Then, someone kidnapped her grandmother in Riverdale to threaten us to withdraw the bid. The biggest suspects are our two rivals.”

“However, in the end, which one of them is the culprit?”

“That depends on which one of them knows more about my affairs.”

The culprit did not kidnap a member of the Burton Family nor his rightful fiancée, but instead captured the grandmother of his long-rumored neglected ex-wife in order to threaten him to withdraw the bid. It was obvious that there was something fishy about it.



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