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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143

After he closed the door, Justin’s face was clouded with gloom. He tossed Rachel’s phone to Frankie and said, “Give the phone to the private detective. I’m sure the kidnappers will call again.”


“Also, inform the project manager in Brookville and prepare to withdraw the bid.”

Frankie looked at Justin in amazement and disbelief. They had been discussing this project for a long time, in which the entire company knew its importance because it was not only reflected in the profit value, but also in the opportunities for long-term cooperation in the future.

However, Justin had ordered them to withdraw the bid.

Over at Riverdale the following afternoon, an argument was close to ensuing.

“Miss Hochmann, you can’t enter now. Miss Hochmann!”

“Justin!” Gloria pushed open the door and barged into his office in a rage.

Justin had just finished his morning meeting and he was sitting behind the computer. Upon seeing her appearance, he frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re still asking me what’s wrong? Where is Rachel?”

“She has something to attend to and won’t be back for a while.”

“She’s not coming back for a while?” Gloria nodded. “Okay. Then, I’ll ask, where’s Rachel’s grandma?”

He frowned but did not reply.

“She has been kidnapped; do you know about this?”


“Yes?” Gloria’s anger immediately rose and she raised her voice. “Then, how can you still sit here to leisurely drink coffee? That is Rachel’s only family member. Do you know that if anything happens to her grandma, Rachel will never forgive you?”

Justin asked, “Who told you this?”

“Never mind! Just tell me whether you care about this matter or not!”

“I’m not a police officer, so how can I resolve this?”

“The kidnappers are obviously after you. What has Rachel and her grandmother done wrong? If they weren’t involved with you, who would disturb them? I know that better than anyone!”

“What you mean by that is that you are blaming me for having endangered you all these years?”

Gloria’s face stiffened as her anger froze at the corners of her mouth.

“Get out. I still have things to do.” Justin converged his gaze on her, his pair of cold eyes frosty.

She clenched her fist indignantly and shouted, “Fine, I’ll leave!”

After she left the Burton Group, Victor stopped her at the entrance. “How did it go? Did the talks fall apart?”

“You saw that and you’re still asking?” Gloria glared at him. “I really didn’t expect Justin to be so stone hearted. Is Rachel’s grandma’s life less important than money? If the kidnappers want money, just give it to them! How is he short of money?”

He only knew that Rachel’s grandmother was kidnapped and Rachel had suddenly lost contact with the world, so he could only come to look for Gloria. It had already been two days, but Justin was drinking coffee in the office leisurely like nothing was wrong. When Gloria saw this, she lost her temper..

“All business is treacherous. I have already said that before. Anyway, do you know where Rachel is? Did you find out?”

She was taken aback as she replied sheepishly, “I forgot.”

Victor stared at her. “So, you just went to quarrel with him?”

“When I am angry, I forget everything!”

“You’re really something! I might as well not look for you!”



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