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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154

“Janice said that the spy from the foreign investigation bureau has tracked Gunny down. He was the one responsible for dealing with drug smuggling for Hudson Pharmaceuticals.”

Julian looked conflicted. “She also said that the inspectors had done nothing wrong by punishing her since she had gone on the wrong track as she was too agitated. Although they don’t have enough evidence that Justin was involved in drug smuggling, it can be confirmed that Jefferey has been doing it for years. She had accidentally alerted those two this time around.”

Rachel was shocked. Did Janice tell you all these?

“Yes. She also told me that as long as the man named Gunny is caught, you’ll be able to get justice for your mother’s death and force Jefferey to receive all the punishments that he deserves.”

Ever since Rachel had been taken away by Justin from Nancy’s funeral, Julian never had any chance to meet her before receiving the news that she was admitted to the hospital from an attempted suicide.

He also heard that Rachel hadn’t been eating or drinking, so he went to look for Janice in anxiety.

Nevertheless, Julian never expected to learn so much about Rachel from Janice.

“Rachel, you have to get yourself together for your grandma as well as your mother.”

As she looked at Julian’s determined gaze, Rachel suddenly felt slightly energized.

Although it wasn’t hard to die, it was definitely harder to stay alive.

I’ll listen to you and pull myself together so that I can heal faster.

“That’s about right.” Julian sighed in relief.

Justin was pursuing a contract in his office before Frankie came in with documents.

“This is the stocking records of the batch of medicines that you reserved. I’ve already asked them to stockpile and send it out of Riverdale during the dawn. It will arrive at the port by tonight.”

“Are they trustworthy?”

Frankie nodded. “All of them have been working for you for years and are trustworthy. I just don’t know whether those men whom President Shaw has arranged on his side are trustworthy. If anything happens during the journey where they aren’t allowed to upload them

“It’s fine. It’s normal for him to be nervous since this is his first time stockpiling.”

“President Burton, is this decision too rash? The investigation bureau has been keeping an eye on us. Although they previously didn’t manage to get their hands on any evidence, if we still ship according to the set timing, I fear,”

“They better be keeping an eye on us,” the man commented nonchalantly before he changed the topic. “How is it at the hospital?”

Frankie came back from his senses. “I just wanted to inform you that Mrs. Burton is finally more emotionally stable now and she has requested for food. Although she didn’t eat much, the doctor said that it’s normal since she hadn’t been eating for a long time and her appetite will improve soon. There won’t be any need for IV drips anymore.”

A surprised look flashed past Justin’s eyes. “Why did she suddenly pull herself together?”

“Mrs. Burton was never a stubborn person from the start. How could she hold a grudge for so long over a couple’s fight?”

Frankie’s words lodged themselves into Justin’s heart, making Justin suddenly feel warmth.

It would be nice if it was just a couple fight.

Justin’s phone started to ring at that moment.

Nevertheless, upon seeing the caller ID, he ended the call and blocked the number.

When Frankie saw the caller ID, his expression fell as well. “Miss Hudson has been contacting me for the past two days, asking me about your whereabouts as well.”

“You don’t have to answer her calls,” Justin repeated. “Just ignore her calls in the future.”

“In the future? Are you not planning to marry Miss Hudson anymore?”

“Why are you asking so many questions? Do I have to report everything to you?”

“That’s not what I meant. You can do whatever you want.” Upon saying that, Frankie quickly gathered the documents and left.


On the other hand, none of Amber’s calls went through.

“How dare he reject my calls!”


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