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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155

“Amber? You’re confusing the truth with lies.” Julian tried to grab Amber’s phone, but since he was supporting Rachel, Amber managed to easily avoid him.

Amber answered, “Dr. Peters, why would you be scared if you aren’t guilty?”


The tension was almost tangible in the air when a figure appeared behind her. “What’s going on?”

Upon hearing Justin’s voice, Amber immediately hopped on the opportunity and started to make her accusation. “Justin, I was about to tell you that I came here to visit Rachel, but I bumped into them smooching. You told me that even after divorce, she’s still part of the Burton Family. It doesn’t look like she shares the same sentiment. Look at how happy she is.”

When he saw Julian holding onto Rachel, his expression darkened.


“Who allowed you to come here?”


Amber was stunned.

Justin spoke coldly, “You have no business here and there’s no need for you to visit her either.”

He walked past her to yank Rachel away from Julian before returning to the ward section.

Amber was left behind to stare at the two disappearing figures and she had only taken two steps toward them when Julian halted her. “Amber, you’re a daughter of the Hudson Family. Why do you have to resort to such underhanded methods to join the Burton Family?”

“Justin is my fiancé right now!”

“Really?! Complaining about your fiance’s ex-wife to him? I thought I was watching a drama where the concubine is trying to accuse the legal wife.”

“A concubine? Julian, you, who’s the concubine here?”

Amber was so furious that she was stomping her feet.

She had initially left Tran-Q because she couldn’t stand Julian’s coldness toward her. Her father even stressed that she would be better off marrying him instead of Justin, but she never saw the point in it.

She was unable to see the benefits about a man who continued to find faults with her and thought that he was blind to side with that woman.

Justin took Rachel to her ward.

With a stumble, she fell into a sitting position on the bed.

Miss Jennifer was tidying up the room and upon seeing the sight, she was shocked. “When did you arrive, Mr. Burton? What happened?”

His expression was dark. “Who let her out?”

She was careful to choose her words. “I saw the flowers outside blooming beautifully and since the weather was also perfect, I allowed her to take a walk outside. The doctor also said that getting some fresh air would help the patients to recover better.”

“Then, why didn’t you go with her?”

Justin’s single question had caused Miss Jennifer to break out in a nervous sweat.

Rachel stood up. I’m the one who wanted to go out for a walk. This has nothing to do with Miss Jennifer.

“Mrs. Burton.”

“The outdoor type, aren’t you?” Justin sneered, “I wonder what is so nice to look at out there. Is it the flowers? Or a certain someone?”

Julian is a doctor at Tran-Q. As long as I’m outside, it’s not strange to run into him. If you don’t want to see us together, I don’t mind changing hospitals.

After she expressed everything that she wanted, Rachel lowered her hands.

“Miss Jennifer, please leave us alone for now.”

Upon hearing Justin’s order, Miss Jennifer hurried off.

After the door was closed, Justin and Rachel were the only ones left in the room.

“Do you really think I’d care if you contacted Julian?” He gave her a look. “I know his character better than you do. It is his principle to help the sick and needy. You are only a patient in his eyes, nothing more than a weakling to sympathize.”


Rachel gripped the sheets under her.


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