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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 209


Samuel shook his head as he turned to the bedroom and added, “But Mr. Peters and Godmother came home with us, and they’re chatting outside right now. It sounds like they are talking about Daddy.”

“Quickly, go listen to what they’re saying.”

Hastily, Charlotte expressed, “Something big must have happened.”

Rolling out of the bed, Samuel tiptoed to the door and cracked it open before putting his ear against the thin gap. In the living room, Julian was seen to be applying some blood-circulating ointment on Rachel’s arm.

While doing that, he instructed, “Just rub it like this. Twice a day and the swelling will subside in two days.”


With an expressionless face, Rachel unrolled her sleeve. As she was doing that, Jolly furiously questioned, “Is Justin some kind of bruiser? Is he sick in the head? How dare he lay his hand on you under broad daylight! That man would have murdered you if we weren’t here!”

“He asked me about the safe box. He must’ve figured out something.”

Stunned, Jolly seemed to have understood something. “What did you say?”

Shaking her head, Rachel assured, “Nothing, and that’s how things ended up this way.”

Based on everything that had happened up until now, Justin would surely bar her from seeing Charlotte and himself and be overwhelmingly defensive against her.

In response, Jolly defended, “So what if you opened the safe box? What about the things he did in the past? He could be sent to jail for those!”

“Have you forgotten that he lost his memory? He doesn’t remember anything from the past.”

“How convenient. He’s taking advantage of his memory loss, yet you’re still defending him.”

Leering at Jolly, Julian blurted, “Calm down, Jolly.”

At once, she held in her frustrations as she reluctantly gnarled her teeth.

After remaining silent for a long while, Rachel clarified, “I’m not defending him. However, one thing is certain. Memory loss or not, that’s his true color—vicious to his bones. I’m simply trying to stand in his shoes to figure out how to search for those proofs.”

To that, Julian queried, “Have you found out how?”

“Old Mr. Burton’s birthday is near.”

In the meantime, Justin, who had just arrived at the company, summoned his assistant into his office.

“I thought you went hiking, President Burton. How are you back so soon?”

“Tell me every detail about what happened five years ago.”

With that, Frankie was in a daze. “That’s… sudden. Why are you asking me this? What happened to your face, President?”

At the corner of Justin’s lip was a visible bruise. It wasn’t as obvious when he traveled down the hills, but now that the bruise had turned worse, the sight of it was rather spine-chilling.

“Just answer me instead of giving me such crap.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, President Burton. Old Mr. Burton had specifically ordered me to not tell this to anyone.”

With a troubled face, Frankie pleaded, “Please don’t make things difficult for me, President. To be honest, forgetting about the past might actually benefit you. We should always look forward to the future, not the past.”

“Rachel entered my bedroom and opened the safe box!”

“Oh, is that so?” Despite his slight daze, Frankie didn’t show much shock.


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