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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 210

Hearing that, Sue reminded the little girl, “It’s Great-grandpa’s birthday, Charlotte. He should be the one making a wish.”

However, thanks to Arthur’s adoration for the girl, he simply waved his hand. “It’s fine. What’s your wish, Charlotte?”

“I want to go to school.”


At once, every single soul in the room was dazed by the little girl’s request.

Everyone knew that the Burton Family’s golden little girl was self-willed, so it was normal for her actions to be unexpected. However, what shocked everyone was that she had been to school before––in fact, she had been to every school around here, but she always managed to cause trouble wherever she went. Because of that, she was assigned a private tutor at home to overlook her academics instead. Despite everything, the little she-devil actually proposed to go to school?

“You want to go to school, Charlotte?” Even Justin was dumbfounded.

Ignoring her father, Charlotte didn’t even care to spare him a glance as she continued to beg Arthur, “Please, Great-grandpa?”

“That’s great! How could I say no to that?” Caressing the child’s head, the old man continued, “I’ll have someone find you the best school right away!”

“No need for that. I’ve already found one myself.”

“You did?”

“Yup, it’s this one.” As she was speaking, she presented a stack of documents she had been carrying by her side to her great-grandfather. “I had someone search it for me. All that’s left is a guardian’s signature and I’m good to go. You’ll sign it for me, won’t you, Great-grandpa?”

Suspicious, Justin scowled. “When did you start looking for a school, Charlotte? Let me see!”


Immediately, Charlotte dodged Justin’s hand while giving him a disdainful stare and scorned, “I’m asking for Great-grandpa’s signature, not yours! Why do you even care?”

Hearing that, everyone was even more baffled.

Sneakily, Sue went to Amber and tugged on her sleeve, whispering, “What’s the brat’s deal? Why is she quarreling with Justin again?”

Nonetheless, Amber casually countered, “Who knows?” The little girl has no idea what she’s up against yet she’s so bold to take on an adult!

Since Arthur was always spoiling the little girl, he took a look at the documents to verify them before signing his name. “Okay, okay. Since the princess has requested for my signature, I shall grant her wish.”

Suddenly, Frankie rushed over to the scene and whispered something to Justin, to which the latter wanted to stop the old man from signing. Unfortunately, it was already too late.

“It’s done. Now you can go to school!”

Wrapping her arms around Arthur’s neck, Charlotte gave his cheek a peck. “Thank you, Great-grandpa. You’re the best!”

“If you want to thank me, stay in the villa with me for a few more days.”


Hearing that, Arthur beamed sweetly.

Very soon, the banquet was about to commence. Since the family’s wishing session was coming to an end, the old man ordered Justin to greet the guests in the hall. “Go tend to the guests, Justin. I won’t be heading in.”

“Yes, Grandpa.”

While walking out of the room, Arthur questioned Frankie, “Who gave Charlotte the registration form?”

“It was Miss Hochmann, sir.”

“Isn’t she on tour overseas?”

“It seems that she had her friend send the form over.”

Scowling, Arthur questioned, “Why would she suddenly arrange for Charlotte to go to school?”


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