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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Amber was startled. “What do you mean by a third choice?”

Before the woman could even react, Rachel suddenly lifted her hand to push Amber’s shoulder.


There was a huge splash in the swimming pool.

“Cough… Ahhh… Help me!”

Rachel silently stood beside the pool as her expression grew colder under the moonlight.

The third choice that she had mentioned was to push Amber with that damn necklace together into the swimming pool.

The commotion at the swimming pool quickly alerted the people in the hall, so the attendants immediately saved Amber from the pool. One by one, they hurriedly covered her with towels, but even so, she had made herself a fool in front of everyone.

“Amber.” Jefferey held Amber in distress. “Are you alright?”

Then, she let out a loud cry while pointing at Rachel with a trembling finger. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)”She pushed me!”.

The moment her words came out, it caused an uproar among the surrounding guests.

His face darkened as he glared at Rachel. “What happened?”

However, she remained silent and refused to deny or confirm Amber’s accusation.

“I can’t believe this, Rachel. Have you already decided to abandon your family just because you are now Mrs. Burton? How dare you do this to Amber! If anything happens to her, I’ll —”

“What will you do?” A deep voice was suddenly heard from behind Rachel as it interrupted Jefferey’s lecture.

Before she could even turn around, her body was completely engulfed by an enormous shadow.

As he looked at Justin, Jefferey could not help but significantly control his temper. “What is it, President Burton? Are you now going to defend your wife?”

His words immediately reminded everyone else that Rachel was no longer the neglected daughter of the Hudson Family. Rather, she was now Justin Burton’s wife, so no matter what she did, he still needed to pay some respect to Justin.

While being as indifferent as usual, Justin uttered, “This is your family’s business. I’m just here to have a look.”

His words were clear as ever.

Upon listening to him, Rachel couldn’t help but silently laugh at herself. How could he ever speak up for


If he were willing to help her, Amber wouldn’t have had the confidence to play such tricks with her.

Upon hearing Justin’s words, Jefferey finally let out a huge sigh of relief. After all, since Justin was here, it wouldn’t be wise for Jefferey to immediately accuse Rachel, so he coldly questioned, “Rachel, I

want you to tell me what happened earlier. How did Amber fall into the pool all of a sudden?”

Meanwhile, Justin tucked both his hands into his pockets and he stood aside as if he was an outsider watching the drama,

After withdrawing her gaze, Rachel lost all hope as a hint of grievance was seen on her gorgeous face. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Amber wanted to grab her necklace which fell into the pool. I tried to pull her back, but she fell in the end, she explained through her gestures.

“Nonsense.” Jefferey’s voice deepened. “Why would Amber jump into the pool for a necklace?”

You can ask her that for yourself. When she was in the Burton Residence back then, she also jumped into the fish pond for no reason. Am I right, Amber?

There was a hint of coldness on her face as her usual calm personality had now turned aggressive when she brought up the ‘fish pond’ incident.

Sure enough, Amber’s expression suddenly changed as she hid inside Jefferey’s arms. If she mentions the ‘fish pond’ incident at the Burton Residence, it would completely destroy my reputation.

The surrounding guests couldn’t understand sign language except for Jefferey and Amber, so all of them were looking at each other, wondering what Rachel had said.

“What fish pond?” Justin’s voice was loud, but those three simple words just so happened to fall into Rachel’s ears.

She instinctively glanced at him in shock. He actually knows sign language?

As for Amber, her face quickly paled while she explained in panic, (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)“It’s nothing. I didn’t say that it was her who pushed me into the pool. I… I was just trying to grab my necklace. It’s my fault.”


The moment she explained what had happened, the guests immediately discussed it among themselves.

Meanwhile, Jefferey’s expression darkened because he was infuriated after being embarrassed in front of all the guests. “Amber, what are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?”

Rachel, I’m not done with you yet!

She was immediately left dumbfounded as she stared at him. He knows that I was lying?

If Amber hadn’t panicked after Rachel mentioned the fish pond, Amber could have checked the surveillance video straight away and the truth would have been revealed.

Rachel let out a sign of relief and leaned against her seat after she heard him. There wouldn’t be any surveillance cameras at the pool. She isn’t that stupid.

After a moment of silence, Rachel asked, Do you understand sign language?


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