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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Rachel had always been in a daze ever since she returned from the Hudson Family’s birthday banquet.

She went to the hospital the next morning.

“She always goes out every day. At this point, she might as well stay at the hospital.” Sue stood in front of the dining table as she glared at Rachel, but she didn’t stop Rachel.

“Madam, I don’t think you should worry too much about it since she definitely won’t last long with Mr. Burton” Mrs. Duncan answered.

“Why do you think so?”

“The two of them are still sleeping in different rooms at this moment and if this woman can’t bear any child for him, they won’t last long even if they don’t hate each other. On top of that, she is a mute.”

Upon listening to Mrs. Duncan’s words, Sue subconsciously glanced upstairs and suddenly thought of something.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) “Then, if another woman bears his child, won’t this solve all of our problems?” she asked thoughtfully.

Inside the ward of Tran-Q, Nancy was recovering well and she could now begin to walk.

Rachel was accompanying Nancy while she ate her breakfast. Granny, can I ask you something?

“What is it?”

Last time, you told me that my dad brought me home because of something else. Wasn’t it because my mom passed away?

Nancy’s hand trembled slightly as she ate the porridge. “Why are you suddenly asking me this?”

Rachel gently smiled. In the past, I would get a headache whenever I tried to remember my childhood, so you always told me not to think about it. Now, I’ve completely forgotten everything. If I don’t ask you, / may not even remember what my mom looks like.

“Are you starting to miss your mom?” Nancy sighed as she pulled Rachel into her arms and patted the younger woman’s shoulder to comfort her. “Don’t think too much if you can’t remember. All you need to do is to be happy.

As she leaned against her granny’s arms, Rachel was filled with mixed emotions.

Granny, my dad told me that Mom died from a car crash.

Nancy’s eyes immediately darkened as she fell into silence.

Due to Rachel’s identity as Jefferey’s illegitimate daughter, she seldom mentioned her biological mother in front of him or the Hudson Family.

However, the statement that her mother died in a car accident was the one she had heard the most.

“That’s right. She died in a car crash.” Nancy’s voice sounded obscure and reluctant.

Then, Rachel rose to her feet. However, you told me before that I lost my voice in a forest fire. Before that, Mom had been with us all the time in the mountains with no roads, so how did she end up in a car accident?

Even though she had no memory about it, (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)she had heard about it from Nancy many times before.

Before the Hudson Family had brought her home, Rachel, Nancy and her mother lived in a remote mountainous area where there were no roads and cars. That was the reason why the fire brigade

couldn’t enter to save them during the forest fire.

After listening to Rachel, Nancy turned her face away as she was obviously dodging her granddaughter’s question. “Why are you asking me this today?”

Rachel pulled Nancy’s sleeves, trying to gesture at Nancy to lift her head so that she could be observed while speaking.

“Rae, I’m feeling a bit tired today. I’m heading to sleep.” Nancy’s voice sounded hoarse as she pulled her blanket and lay down on the bed.

Upon seeing her this way, Rachel did not dare to ask any more questions.

Since Rachel was a kid, Nancy would rarely mention her mother to her. Now that her body was not in the best of health, Rachel did not want to agitate her any longer, especially when she had discovered that the cause of her mother’s death wasn’t an accident.

When Nancy fell asleep, Rachel closed the door and went out.

“Rae.” The moment she went out, she ran into Julian, who just came to work. “You arrived much earlier today.”

He initially wanted to drive her here, but Sue had informed him that Rachel left earlier in the morning.


She didn’t want to explain much to him, so she simply nodded her head. I’ll just tell him it’s because I can’t rent a room. Besides, it is indeed something that bothers me.

Rachel was stunned when she heard his words. He has arranged everything?

“There is a housing estate half a mile away from the hospital called Glendale.” After they entered his office, Julian placed his keys on the desk and showed her the photos on his phone.

However, without even looking at the photos, Rachel immediately shook her head. Your friend’s house is not suitable for granny.

Although he had helped her a lot to secure this house, she knew clearly that she should stay far away from him.

Thank you, but I can‘t accept it. She returned the contract to him with a firm look. Dr. Peters, Granny will be discharged in a few days’ time, so I will find a house for her myself. Thank you for taking care of her during this period. Granny and I really appreciate it.


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