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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60

“Try to avoid water around your injured area, and take care not to burst the blisters.”

After Julian applied the ointment on Rachel’s injury, he told her, “The weather is too hot, so I won’t bandage it. Don’t let the blanket touch it when you’re sleeping; just stick your legs out as much as possible.”

Thank you.

Rachel expressed her thanks as she looked at Julian, but still, the latter was worried(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com). “If Amber comes again, you have to press the bell to call for a nurse. I’ve relayed the matters to the hospital, and they’ll get her transferred as soon as possible.”

Rachel’s pretty forehead wrinkled ever so slightly.

It’ll be fine. You don’t have to go to such lengths for my sake.

The tension between Amber and Rachel went beyond the hospital, so no matter where she went, as long as they saw each other, Amber would never give up on humiliating her sister.

“Don’t worry. It’s not solely for your sake. Her character is ill-suited for a doctor.” At that, Julian frowned and glanced at his watch. “Just rest up first.”

Rachel’s gaze was soft as she nodded in response. When Julian was leaving, Janice was in the corridor making a call.

“I’m already at the hospital, and I’m right outside her ward now. I met her just now too.”

“She seems to be fine, so she must be all right. I’ll ask later.”

As she was talking, she saw Julian leaving the ward. They exchanged glances and gave each other a nod in place of a greeting.

“I’m hanging up. The doctor just left, so I’ll go in now.”

In the ward, Rachel invited Janice to take a seat.

How did Hans find out that I’m staying here?

After signing, Rachel realized that the latter might not understand, so she was about to take out her phone when Janice replied, (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)“He didn’t know either. I simply made deductions, and I only told him where you are just now.

Rachel was stunned. You understand sign language?

Janice seemed to be at ease. “A little.”

“Hans mentioned that your grandma underwent surgery here before, and coincidentally, I have a friend in this hospital.”

After hearing her reply, Rachel nodded.

Sorry for all the trouble you took to come here. I’m all right.

“It’s not much trouble. Also, there’s something about you that I’m quite interested in.”

Rachel was bewildered.

What about me?

“The matter with Hudson Pharmaceuticals.”

Janice remained calm as she looked at Rachel in silence. However, her calm gaze caused Rachel’s heart to squeeze in panic.

What do you want to ask me about?

Janice asked, “Do you know anyone by the name of James Baker? Your father Jefferey might know him.”

Rachel thought for a while, confusion apparent on her face.

“Or should I say, he also goes by the nickname ‘Gunny’.”

At that, Rachel immediately nodded.

“Gunny’ was one of Jefferey’s assistants. He used to drop by the Hudson Residence often, and he was also on good terms with Amber. Amber, too, used to call him ‘Uncle Gunny’.

“Have you seen him recently?”

T haven’t seen him in a long while.

“When was the last time you saw him?”

Rachel tried to recall. Around half a year ago. I remember it was winter, and it was snowing. It was right before New Year’s.

Why are you asking about him?



Murderer? she thought.

Who exactly are you?

Investigation Bureau? Rachel thought as she looked at the credentials in disbelief.

Meanwhile, at the Burton Group Headquarters. Frankie rushed into Justin’s office with a document and a recording in hand.

Mr. Burton, after the birthday celebration, Miss Hudson really did go to Hudson Vineyard with Jefferey, and someone actually witnessed Jefferey taking Miss Hudson to the study.”


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