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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61

For several days in a row, Rachel didn’t see Justin. On the contrary, Janice came every day, bringing prepared meals with her.

Sorry to trouble you.

Rachel felt very embarrassed about it. Then, Janice opened the lunchboxes and put them on the table, saying, “I was entrusted by others to be faithful to you. Besides, I also have a favor to ask of you.”

Rachel’s eyebrows knitted slightly at that.

If you’re asking about James, I really don’t know much about it. Other than my father, who was close to him, Amber was too, so maybe you should ask her.

“No, we’ll alert them if I ask her. Oh yeah, you should not mention this matter to your family either. It’s for your own good.”

Rachel nodded a little to show that she understood, but she was still puzzled.

You guys suspect that James killed someone, right? Who did he kill?

“The sales agent of a pharmaceutical company.”


“Our initial hypothesis is that it was due to business competition, and James was just a henchman who was instructed to do so.”

Rachel’s heart stuttered at that. Did this mean that Hudson Pharmaceuticals was involved? What about Dad?

Aren’t you afraid of alerting them by telling me this?

“You won’t.” Janice looked at her, her gaze calm. “James is Jefferey’s tool. Aren’t you also suspecting that your mother’s death is related to Jefferey? And don’t you already plan to leave Riverdale? By the way, Hans asked me to bring word, saying that your grandma’s situation has been arranged. As long as you’re ready, you can leave Riverdale at any time.”

Hearing these words, Rachel had her face suddenly become tense, and her fingers clutching the silverware trembled slightly.

She had to leave because she could never hide the fake prescription from Justin.

It was late in the evening when the roar of planes crossed over the Riverdale airport. After the van picked up the people from the terminal building, it drove down the airport highway.

“Mr. Burton, it’s still necessary for you to personally come. This time, the contract for Brentwood New City has finally been signed, so the engineering team can go ahead and carry out tasks with confidence.” Holding the contract in his hand, Frankie couldn’t hold back his joy.

Justin said, “Don’t take it lightly. They might jump the gun.”

“You mean Jason Burton,”

“He has suffered a loss this time. I’m afraid the marriage between Tina and the Hindenburgs will have to be ahead of the agenda.”

“Don’t worry, the things you asked me to prepare have been ready for a long time.”

Justin nodded slightly.

“Mr. Burton, I believe you must be tired after these few days. Let’s send you home to rest later.”

“No, we’ll go to the hospital.”

Hearing the crisp reply, Frankie felt his heart thump faster. Somehow, he inexplicably felt worried for Rachel.

It was already dark when Julian took Rachel’s examination report and knocked on the door to enter the ward. When he came in, Rachel was leaning on the bed, looking at the moonlight outside the window.

“Do you want to go out for a walk?” Julian’s voice pulled Rachel’s thoughts back. Then, she froze for a moment and turned her head back.

Putting his hands in the pockets of his white coat, Julian showed her a warm smile. “It should be boring for you to stay in the ward all the time, right? The rosebuds are blooming outside, so I’ll take you out to have a look.”

Rachel hesitated for a moment but nodded. She didn’t tell Julian that she was leaving Riverdale, so she still had to thank him for taking care of her these days.

The hospital’s courtyard wall was filled with rose vines of all colors at this moment as Julian helped Rachel walk toward the small pavilion. “Your health indicators are already normal, but the injury of your foot has yet to heal, so it’s not convenient for you to walk around. Therefore, I still recommend you stay in the hospital for two more days for observation before being discharged; it’s safer that way.”

It’s better for me to be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible.


“Why are you in such a hurry? Do you have something to do?”

Nothing. I’m just bored staying in the hospital.

By the way, thank you for taking care of me this time, and thank you for helping to hide this from my grandma.

Rachel thought for a moment. There should be no need for that in the future.

Hearing that, Julian froze. “Are you planning to tell her?”

“What’s wrong?” Confused, Julian followed Rachel’s gaze only to see Justin coming toward them.

Justin had been here for a while. When he didn’t see Rachel in the ward, he looked through the window and saw the scene of Julian holding Rachel as they went for a walk downstairs.

It‘s nothing; it’s almost healed.


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