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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93

“After your mother passed away, you lost your voice during the huge fire. For the sake of your safety, I told Jefferey that you were the only one who knew about the medicinal recipes. That was why he agreed to bring you back into the Hudson Family. That was also how the public recognized you as an Illegitimate daughter of the Hudsons,” Nancy said.

But I don’t remember any of the medicinal recipes.

“Your memories are engraved within you, Rachel. I’m sure you remember everything that your mother had ever told you-you simply lost your memories temporarily. You’ll recall all of it someday.” Nancy pulled out a picture of Selena-the same black and white picture that was on the tombstone.

Rachel felt her heart aching when she saw the picture, and tears trickled down her cheeks without any warning. Nancy teared up as she pulled the young girl in for a hug. “My darling, if Selena is watching from above, she’d be pleased to see what a beautiful and kind woman you’ve turned into.”

Rachel cried for a long while after that. Whatever she had just heard was simply too much to process. No matter how harsh Jefferey had been toward her in the past, she had always treated him as her father. She had always believed that a parent would care for their child regardless of how harsh they might be. However, it turned out that he wasn’t her father at all-that explained why he was so heartless toward her. She brushed her tears off as she recalled what Janice had told her. Grandma, do you remember what the person who killed my mother looks like?

Nancy clenched her fists. “I’d recognize that person even if he turned into ashes. He was a vicious killer; he set the whole mountain on fire to destroy all evidence. He nearly killed all of the villagers there.” Rachel hastily unlocked her phone to look for an image of a wanted man before showing it to Nancy.

“He’s the one. I recall how he had a large mole on his face.” Nancy’s voice was trembling, and her face was pale as she recalled the terrifying memories of her past. Rachel tightened her grip on her phone as she tried to calm herself down. She wanted to avenge her mother’s death, and she wanted these people to pay for what they had done.

The skies were turning dark, and Hans stepped out of the car when he saw Rachel coming out of the building. “Are you okay?”

Rachel shook her head. Grandma told me the whole story. I’ll tell you about it when we get into the car.

“Okay.” Hans pulled the car door open. “Let’s talk in the car.” They were talking when a shrill siren Interrupted their conversation. Rachel looked up to see a black MPV on the street opposite them. Her face turned pale immediately.

“What is it?” Hans could sense that something was wrong with Rachel.

She didn’t have the chance to respond to him as her phone kept ringing in her pocket. Her hands were trembling when she pulled her phone out to look at the caller ID. “I’ll give you one minute to walk over and get into the car.” The man’s voice on the other end of the phone was deep and stern.

“Rachel,” Hans said when he noticed the car opposite them. He held onto her arm. “Is that him?”

She gritted her teeth as she pushed Hans aside. You should leave now. I’ll text you later. Rachel hurried toward the opposite side of the street after that. Justin was a man who didn’t take no for an answer Hans might be in danger if she made Justin wait for a while more.

The man in the black MPV wore an icy, forbidding expression on his face. His still, dark eyes were so terrifying that anyone who looked into it would feel their hearts pounding with fear. Justin stared out the car window to look at the man in front of the white car parked opposite the street.

Rachel got in from the other side of the car. “Let’s go,” Justin ordered coldly. The MPV left the alleyway right after that. Justin didn’t utter a single word on the way back, and the silence only made Rachel more fearful. She felt as if her heart was about to leap out of her throat. The driver didn’t head in the direction of the Burton Residence, Rachel felt herself getting more terrified as the roads outside looked increasingly unfamiliar to her.


They arrived at a villa on the outskirts of town. Justin removed his coat and threw it on the couch the moment he stepped into the house. Rachel, on the other hand, hesitated when she arrived at the doorstep. She glanced around to see that the interior of the house was modern and brand-new. In fact,


Justin loosened his tie before he abruptly turned to face Rachel. “Ah!” She screamed as she felt as if her scalp was about to be torn apart. Justin had grabbed onto a handful of her halr before he shoved her against the wall. “You disappeared for two whole days because you went to meet that guy, right?”

She was close to fainting because of the pain. Her face was filled with terror as she looked up at him. “Hans Egerton, a Master of Laws graduate from California State University and a relatively well-known young lawyer… Why are you meeting a lawyer behind my back? What are you trying to do? Are you going to get a divorce?”

She shook her head frantically as she tried to push him away.


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