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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Justin felt his heart skipping a beat before he darkened his gaze. Both of them weren’t far apart from each other-the couch and the coffee table were the only pieces of furniture between them. A standin lamp was placed right next to the couch, and the dim light shone upon Rachel’s face as she moved. It was the first time Justin had ever seen Rachel that way-her bloodshot eyes were filled with hatred and resentment. It didn’t seem like her anger was directed toward him-it looked more like she was angry at the Hudsons.

He was dazed for a moment, but he quickly calmed himself down before he sneered. “Are you daydreaming or something?”

There’s something wrong with the Hudson Pharmaceuticals’ medication. They’ve provided a number of fake drugs to a few suppliers.

Justin froze. Even Amber didn’t know anything about this, so how could an illegitimate daughter like Rachel hear about such news?

As long as you can help me to get a job at Hudson Pharmaceuticals, I will be able to get proof of them manufacturing fake medication. Rachel’s thoughts were clearer once she managed to calm down. She realized that both she and Justin could exchange information and benefit from one another when they couldn’t achieve certain things independently. Jefferey was an enemy to both of them, and she figurec that she could temporarily become friends with her enemy’s enemy.

Justin was quiet for a long while before he abruptly leaned his weight against the coffee table to get onto his feet. Rachel’s face turned pale as she grabbed onto a vase beside her.

“What are you doing?” he said as he shot her a glare. “Didn’t we just agree to partner up? Are you going to work with a dead body if I die from losing too much blood? Go find me a first-aid kit.”

She was stunned for a long while, but she finally heaved a sigh of relief when she realized that Justin looked a lot calmer than before. A few minutes later, she came back with a first-aid kit to help Justin clean his wound. He let out a hiss, and she felt her hands shaking as she tried to clean the blood. She was a lot gentler the next time she touched him.

“Why are you suddenly going against the Hudsons?” he asked.

I’ve thought about it. He’s bad to me, and he has never treated me like his biological daughter. / want to make sure I have a Plan B for myself. Rachel didn’t mention anything about her mother as she recalled how Janice had told her to keep It a secret.

“Did you find out about something?” Justin asked out of nowhere.

Rachel was rather surprised at first. Is there something I should know about?

He frowned. He felt troubled whenever he thought about the information that Frankie had gathered for him. “It’s nothing,” he mumbled.

Rachel stepped aside to tidy the first-aid kit after she was done cleaning Justin’s wound. He no longer seemed as threatening and powerful with a bandage wrapped around his head, and he even looked rather amusing because of the ribbon knotted on the back of his head. “You haven’t explained the whole thing with your lawyer to me yet.”

Rachel’s actions of tidying the first-aid kit came to a halt before she turned around. Her eyes were calm but firm as she stared at him. You’re not allowed to lay hands on him.

His eyes turned cold, and he felt his chest tightening when he looked into Rachel’s steady gaze. “Are you giving me a warning right now?”

Since you’ve made a deal with me, I deserve to benefit from this deal as well.

“Benefits? So, the benefit you want is for me to not mess with this man?”

I’ll help you acquire Hudson Pharmaceuticals, but you cannot touch the people around me. I don’t want you to act all suspicious all the time. This is a pretty good deal for you, don’t you think? Rachel was a little nervous-she had no idea how Justin would respond to her words.

He stared at her silently as his gaze grew dimmer. “Fine, I promise.”

In the past, Rachel had always been someone who compromised and gave In to him, so It was a shock for him to hear her making such a request. He wondered if Rachel was genuinely looking for a Plan B or if she just created such lies to protect that guy. Regardless, he was pretty eager to see what sort of impact an Wlegitimate daughter might be able to generate in the company.

A conversation was happening late at night in the Burton Residence. “Are both of them not home? Did you call and ask Frankie?” Sue asked.

“Yeah. Frankie said that Young Master Justin wouldn’t be coming home because he has other matters to handle,” the maid replied.


“What about the mute?”

“Frankie didn’t say anything about that. But considering how distant they seem recently, my guess is that they aren’t together now.”


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