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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95

“No one would think you’re mute if you just kept your mouth shut for once, you know.” Justin glared at Tina from the corner of his eye.

“I’m not mute,” Tina said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes at Rachel before she lifted her scissors and cut the red silk ribbon into two. Snip! After the ribbon-cutting ceremony was over, Rachel brought the ribbons off the stage. She felt a sour feeling in her chest while she watched Justin and the other girl standing close to each other. She had never seen Justin being protective of anyone else in such a bold and open manner. Even if he did that to Amber, Rachel knew that he only played along for the sake of the Hudson Pharmaceuticals.

The rest of the celebration was hosted in a hotel. Rachel felt bored out of her mind as she watched all the guests clinking glasses and socializing with one another, so she decided to head out for a walk.

“What are you doing here on your own?” A man’s voice sounded from behind. Rachel jumped a little before she turned to see Justin dressed in a full black suit. He looked especially handsome under the dimly-lit night sky. It was a little hot in there, so I came out for a stroll, she replied.

Ever since they established the deal between them three days ago, Justin had been treating her in a cold and distant manner. He no longer asked about her schedule or whoever she met up with. Why are you out here? Rachel stole a glance behind him before she continued with the rest of her sentence. Your new secretary looks really young.

“If you have the free time to check out my new secretary, why don’t you use some of it to think about the partnership between us?” Justin held a document out to her.

Rachel froze for a second. Is this a letter of appointment?

It was a contract for the role as the deputy director of the finance department in Burton Group. Justin had already signed his name and stamped the company’s stamp on the document. “You’re an illegitimate daughter-it would be hard to get Jefferey to allow you to be a part of Hudson Pharmaceuticals as he wouldn’t want you to be involved in their internal affairs. It’d probably take you years to come up with a plan that could work,” Justin commented.

How does hiring me as a staff in the Burton Group help with anything?

“I’m an efficient and effective person. Doesn’t Jefferey wish to learn some details about the Burton Group’s partners? He’ll certainly get closer to you once he learns that you’re a part of the company.”

Justin explained.

She immediately understood the situation. I’ll draft my letter of resignation tomorrow.

Justin gave her a faint nod.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Justin. What are you doing here?” A young girl exaggerated her movements to push the heavy glass door open before she stuck her head out the balcony. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, and her petite face was glowing with youth. Rachel tightened her grip around the documents she was holding.

The iciness on Justin’s face faded significantly as he turned to look at the young girl. “What brings you here?”

“I was too bored, and there were a lot of people surrounding me and asking me questions. I had to find a way to escape them.” The girl’s eyes lit up when she saw Rachel. “I’ve seen you before! I saw you during the ribbon-cutting ceremony! Hello, my name’s Gloria. I’m Justin’s, Oops.” The girl stuck her

tongue out and giggled. “I mean, I’m President Burton’s secretary. I’m still on probation.”

After a moment of silence, Gloria continued talking. “You… can’t talk?” She eyed Rachel puzzledly.

Rachel subconsciously stared at Justin, but Justin didn’t seem interested in introducing the two women to each other at all. Instead, he glanced at his watch. “Let’s go, Glorla. It’s late now.”

“Huh? Where are we going?” she asked.

“Didn’t you say that this place was boring? I’ll bring you somewhere else for food,” Justin offered. “Right now? But there are a lot of people waiting out there for you” Gloria protested.

“You don’t need to care about those people,” he muttered. Gloria looked like she wanted to talk to Rachel for a while more, but the younger girl had no choice but to keep up behind Justin as he began to walk off.

For some reason, the breeze seemed chillier as Rachel watched the two people walking away from her. She couldn’t help but shudder a little. Justin had a new love interest, and he no longer cared about Rachel-but wasn’t this what Rachel had always longed for? If that was the case, why did she feel so hurt deep down?


As the night went on, Justin sent Gloria home after they had a meal. As he was on the way home, Frankie glanced at the rearview mirror for a while before he hesitatingly parted his lips to speak. “President Burton, there’s been some gossip going on in the company recently.”


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