I pace my room nervously. I was already dressed and ready but I was nervous. It’s been so long since I dressed up or put any effort in how I look that I was afraid that I looked horrible.
Sure the girls and I go out once in a while but no matter how much Ren, Claire and Lily tried to convince me to dress up. I preferred just a simple top and jeans.
Today though I was in a long sleeved black dress. It covered my body, hiding my scars but it was still sexy. My makeup was done and my hair for once since I was found was flowing down my back in bouncy ringlets.
My phone rings, startling.
“Hello...” I call awkwardly into the phone.
“I’m here” Damn, his sexy voice has a way of undoing me.
The moment he says that. My nervousness skyrockets. I had no idea what was going on or why he invited me out. A thought crosses my mind and immediately I feel a crushing weight on my chest.
What if he wants to break off our arrangement? What if he was already tired of me and was inviting me out so he can let me know in a sort of kind way?
“Give me a minute, I’ll be down” I breathe into the phone, trying to push away my panic.
I get my purse and rush down stairs. Ready to get this night over with.
I was just getting to the door when Ren’s voice stops me. I turn to face her.
“How the hell do you just pop out from nowhere?” I ask with my hand on my chest.
She gives me a smile before answering. “I didn’t pop up from thin air, I was already here, you just didn’t see me in your rush to sneak out”
I keep my mouth shut. Compress it into a thin line in an effort to stop myself from spilling something I didn’t want her to know.
“Is that Darren I smell?” she asks, sniffing the air.
Shit! My anxiety levels reach their peak.
“No!” I scream before turning around and fleeing like the house was on fire.
I almost die in embarrassment when I hear her laugh behind me. Following me all the way out of the door.
In my haste to get away from her and her knowing laugh I bump into a very hard and solid chest. Before I can fall, an arm reaches out and grasps my waist. His intoxicating scent engulfs me, almost drowning in its richness.
“Whoa, you okay?” he steadies me, his obsidian eyes captivating me like always.
I want to forget about the date and jump to the good stuff. To have him make me forget everything except for him. Except for how he feels inside me and on top of me. Because hot damn does he look like a fucking god in that black suit.
“Yeah” I clear my throat, hoping against hope that he doesn’t smell my arousal.
My prayer is shot to hell when he smirks. “I can smell you Mayra…and you smell fucking delicious”
I feel myself getting wet, which makes blood rush to my cheeks.
“You two know that there are empty rooms you can use. If you’re are going to fuck each other better do it in one of those. The last thing I want is for Colton to see the both of tearing each other’s clothes and doing at it like wild animals near the steps”
I gasp, hearing Ren’s smug voice behind us. We both turn to face her and find her standing near the door of the pack house. Her arms folded over her bump, eyes shining with mischief and a smug smile on her lips.
“We weren’t – It’s not what you think, he just…” I go to explain but she cuts me off.
“Oh shush…I wasn’t born yesterday May, and it’s not like you’re doing anything wrong” she says then winks at me.
“Right…I think we’ll just head out” Darren clears his throat and says. “Always nice to see you Ren”
She smiles at him and he grabs my hands. Leading me towards his car.
“Have a great time kids and remember to use protection” Ren shouts as we drive away from the pack house.
I sigh in mortification.
“Was she always like that?” I ask him, referring to Lauren.
I’ve known her for five years but she still surprises me. I’ve seen her in Luna mode, mom mode, friend mode, executioner mode but this is a side of her that I was yet to see.
Darren laughs. “You mean playful? Yeah she is like that. It comes out once in a while but she can be”
I look at him confused at first. Wondering how he knows so much about Ren but then I remember. They were once mated. Krystal is proof that they were once in love.
I don’t know their full story. All I know is that they were together for ten years before they separated and Ren got mated to Sebastian.
I want to ask him but it’s none of my business. I also can’t help some of the jealousy I feel that they were once close. Like intimately close.
He glances at me sideways when I don’t speak. The air becomes stilted for a while. I can’t help but wonder if he’s still in love with Ren.
I shake those thoughts away. Whether he was still in love with her wasn’t my business. It wasn’t like I was in love with him or wanted a life with him, right?
“We’re here” his voice cuts through my fog.
I had been so lost in thought that I had not even realized that he had parked the car and turned off the engine.
“Come on, I’m starving and I’m sure you are too” he says before getting out of the car.
Seconds later he is on my side, opening the door for me. He helps me get out and locks the car before guiding me to the restaurant with his hand on my lower back.
The readers' comments on the novel: The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)
He insults her, she's ready to fight to the death. Three thugs threaten her and she's scared as a mofo. Make it make sense? Where's all that dark energy she suppresses hiding?...
wtf???he fcking stripped her naked and t*rtured her????????F*CKKK THATTTTT,so powerful he can't even have those victims have a background check and see if it connects the dots?????...
Did a teenager write this? I wanted to like it but it’s overly dramatic and the character arc is non-existent....
I don't think the the plot for krystals book is something I would like to dark. I would had thought Krystal and something with Jax would have been a better plot....
Finally I'm fucking done author please research heavy topics extensively before writing about them again. When you don’t you often end up victim blaming alot...
I don't even feel sad about Raya fuck her there’s allot of things that trauma is responsible for and letting the people you love die while you enjoy watching isn’t fucking one of them like the authors writing when it comes to these topics are fucking piss fucking put like the victim blaming the dismissal of valid feelings the excuses for the people who hurt her like eww don’t ever touch on subjects like these until you’ve done the appropriate extensive research on these topics. Then ill read your works that touch on these subjects again. The only reason I’m still here is cause ive already started the story....
I knew the goddamn therapist was a fucking weirdo...
Again the therapist is incorrectly saying what’s going on. If Raya took the empirical trauma it’d be Raya that she’d be talking to. Mayra took the emotional AND physical trauma of what’s going on and both Raya and Mayra are experiencing shared mental effects of that trauma with Raya experiencing the effects on the more angered and blaming side. None of this makes Mayra a terrible companion it actually makes Raya a terrible companion if you want to place blame....
Bruh can’t she just get the moon goddess to like give her a new wolf or remove her from the one she got ? She gone be human either fucking way with the way that bitch of a wolf be acting...
The therapist is fixing weird like she was doing so good till she fucking invalidated Mayra’s feelings towards her baby that was forced upon her by her realist that popped up before she was even done healing like what ? Its normal for victims to feel that way towards a rapper baby and what the therapist should have fucking said was yeah Mayra it’s normal to feel that way you’re still haunted by your rapport and haven’t yet healed and it doesn’t help that your daughter looks like him once healed you could make a decision on whether you want to be in her life as her mother or give her up for adoption it’s all up to you but for now you need to focus on healing before attempting to mother a child who looks like your rapist. In the meantime have your child stay with a trusted person so that you can heal and make the correct decision for yourself as a healed woman. But no the therapist says try loving her and being a mother to your rapists child right now even if you haven’t healed yet. Like huh ? You’re fucking weird and the author is weird for this as well. Maybe before writing about a touchy subject please do more research In terms of how to go about the aftermath of trauma and healing because this invalidated a lot of rape victims who hated their children before healing and coming to love and care for them without blame....