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The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren) novel Chapter 64

I park my car. I get out and breathe the fresh air. I haven’t been here in sometime and I realized that I couldn’t keep staying away from my friend’s house just because I was afraid that I would run into Darren.

The only good thing is that Brent and Claire don’t live in the pack most of the time. Just like with us, they have a house outside pack lands.

I walk towards the mansion. Just before I knock, the door opens and a handsome face is staring at me with a smile.

“Auntie Ren!” he shouts before jumping on me and curling his body around.

“Hey sweetie, how are you?” I ask, inhaling his scent.

With everything that has taken place these couple of weeks, I haven’t had time to visit him. I missed him so much.

We had planned for him to have a sleep over at our place, but then I got arrested and things went to shit.

“I’m good. I’ve missed you so much…you never come to visit anymore, why?” he murmurs sadly, burying his head in my neck.

I walk with him into the house. Given he is now ten years old, he’s a bit heavy and too big to carry but I don’t mind.

“I’m sorry about but I promise to make it up to you, it’s just that I have been busy” I reply full of guilt.

“Yeah I know, mom told me. Jax also told me that you were away for some time, then you got hurt and had to stay home. Are you okay now?” he asks worriedly.

I tenderly kiss his forehead before responding. “Yes, I’m okay…all healed up”

“Good” he smiles, his dimples appearing. I swear he’ll be a heartbreaker when he grows up.

We get to the kitchen and find Claire with pizza and a tub of ice cream. I scrunch my brows not sure how that tastes.

“Don’t judge” she mutters, her mouth full.

I put Mase down and clear my face. “I wasn’t judging”

“Yes you were”

“No I wasn’t”

“You totally were babe”

Mase interrupts us before I can respond. “You two behave like children sometimes” he says, rolling his eyes, before leaving the room stating that he was going to play video games.

Should I be offended that a kid just called me immature?

I shake my head at that before turning back to face Claire. She was glowing and you could easily tell that.

“How’s the pregnancy so far?” I ask

She had told me that she told Brent about it and he was pretty much excited. I was happy for them and I couldn’t wait to spoil the baby.

“So far so good. I don’t have any morning sickness like I had when I was expecting Mase. The only thing that gets to me are the cravings”

I take a spoon before joining her in eating her ice cream. Good thing she didn’t turn into a raving beast because I took a spoonful.

“But that’s to be expected right? Every pregnant woman craves things. It’s normal”

“Yes, but I can’t stop eating. I am hungry all the damn time. I have to be snacking on something or else I feel like I’m going out of my mind” she grumbles.

I laugh at that, mainly because it’s the truth. Even in the middle of a meeting, you’ll find her snacking on something. Good thing she’s the boss and can do whatever she wants to without being worried about getting fired.

We fall into a comfortable silence for some time. Just basking in the goodness of sharing ice cream like we used to when we were younger. I wanted so much to tell her about the kiss because I can’t stop thinking about it.

I wanted her to help me dissect what it means, and why Bash would even kiss me in the first place but I can’t. Because she has no idea that my relationship with Bash is a contract.

“By the way, I bumped into Miranda yesterday” she begins carefully.

I stop eating and stare at her. Wondering why she would bring this up all of a sudden.

“And…” I urge her to continue.

I’ve had so much on my plate these past few months that I completely forgot about my vow to make that bitch pay. I should really think of how I am going to get my revenge but then again my main concern is on who is trying to kill me.

My mind freezes for a while, wondering if she has anything to do with the constant threats on my life. I mean she is my nemesis and apart from Phoebe and those two bimbos Nicole and Michelle, I don’t think there is anyone who hates me to the point of wanting me dead. For now my best bet are on Miranda and Phoebe.

I hired an investigator but so far he has found nothing connecting any of the two to my attacks. So either they’re really good at hiding their tracks or I am looking in the wrong direction.

“Nothing, just thought I should let you know” Claire shrugs and I know immediately she isn’t telling me everything.


“What?” she replies nervously.


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