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The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren) novel Chapter 88

Sebastian helps and leads me downstairs. I was nervous and curious at the same time. I didn’t know what to expect or how to even react.

It has been a rollercoaster of emotions since I got here. I am still reeling from all that I have found out about my and Claire’s background and also from my own aunt trying to kill me.

Despite everything that has happened there is now no doubt that Claire is John’s and Olivia’s daughter. Claire will probably ask for a paternity test, but from everything Valery confessed, I was sure that the results would be positive.

We get down stairs and everyone turns to look at us. Both sets of grandparents are present and so are Lilly and Luke. Hailey and Lucas sit on the opposite side of each other. Also present was Micah. He probably got here when I was still unconscious.

The moment she notices me, Lilly stands up and comes to me. Her eyes swimming in tears. She hugs me and cries on my shoulder.

“I’m really sorry Ren…I didn’t know, I had no clue that she wanted you dead” she sobs. “I brought you here so that we could have fun without knowing that I had played right into her plans”

I feel her heartbreak . She was devastated, but who wouldn’t be when they find out their mother was a killer?

“It’s okay Lilly, I don’t blame you” I soothe her softly. “None of this is your fault. It’s all on her not you”

She calms down a little but doesn’t stop crying. Micah comes and gently pulls her from me. He whispers comforting words before leading back to the seat.

“You ready for this” Bash whispers through the bond.

I take a deep breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be”

“If it gets too much let me know and we’ll leave, okay?” he asks.


We cut off the link and take our seats. I face Hailey just as Benson speaks.

“We’ve waited long enough to hear what you have to say Hailey. I can’t believe you, we mourned you, cried over you for years and yet you were alive and you didn’t tell anyone. You let us suffer by believing that you were dead…How could you?” His voice was low and full of pain.

I didn’t understand what they felt but I could only guess. I couldn’t imagine believing that Krystal was dead only to find out more than twenty five years later that she wasn’t.

Hailey takes a deep breath before beginning. “How could I have let anyone know when I knew the lengths Valery would go to just to get rid of me?”

“Being told that my mate was having an affair broke me. For months I struggled with that information. I was hurting and I just didn’t understand how Lucas could do that to me. The maid, her name was Mary, she started giving me small pieces of information about how the woman looked, at first I didn’t want to believe it but when I confided in Valery and she admitted she was the other woman I was destroyed”

“I never cheated on you, never looked at another woman, let alone your sister” Lucas growled.

“True, but you still slept with her, Luke and Lilly are proof of that” she retorted, throwing daggers at him.

“Don’t get me wrong I love Luke and Lilly but I was really hammered when they were both conceived” he yelled throwing his hands up in their air.

I don’t know about you but I would rather not listen to them arguing about his sex life and how my siblings came to be.

“So I wasn't a love child?” Lilly asks brokenly.

I feel bad for her and Luke. Knowing that you’re a result of a drunken mistake.

“Can you two stop it!” Kristine all but yells.

Hailey sighs then continues. “Anyway, at that time I didn’t know that you never cheated on me. Valery was my sister and she had never given any inclination that she detested me so I had no reason not to believe she had ulterior motives. When she broke the news I didn’t have time to dwell on it because I went into labor.”

“During the entire labor all I thought about was what Valery told me and I hated you. Hated that you were pretending to be the caring mate when you were sleeping with my sister behind my back and you were planning to leave me and break the bond. I made the decision that I would file for a separation once I was out of the hospital. I couldn’t stand the thought of staying with a man that was unfaithfull” she says looking at Lucas.

Lucas interrupts her. “That’s why you didn’t want me in the labor room with you? If it wasn’t for me insisting they would have thrown me out” he says brokenly.

I watch them. Study them. The pain was still there from all those years ago. It’s hard to accept all the damage that Valery did in a quest to get a man that wasn’t hers.

“Yes. I felt that you were a hypocrite…when you left I kept falling in and out of consciousness from the fatigue and stressful labor. I don’t know how long it was after you left but a doctor came to my room. He injected me with something. At first I thought it was protocol but her next words made me realize that it wasn’t”


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