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The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren) novel Chapter 90

“Hey” I murmur a bit unsure of myself.

It’s a week after Valery was executed and things have been settling in well. At least on my side that is.

I was worried for Luke and Lilly because they completely shut down. Refusing to acknowledge that their mother ever existed. They even walk out of the room when someone mentions her.

They refuse to talk to anyone about how they’re feeling. That’s definitely not good because for them to ignore the topic of their mother means that they feel something.

They need to confront their feelings instead of hiding or ignoring it. I have been there. I know ignoring your pain doesn’t make it go away. It actually makes it hurt more.

“Hey” he tells me in a deep controlled voice.

He was standing on the balcony. His eyes staring at the endless ocean. His muscles leaden with tension. I wanted to offer him comfort but I don’t know if he would let me.

“Are you okay Luke…we’re heading back in a day or two and I wanted to make sure you’re okay before I leave” I tell him.

Feeling a bit worn out and tired. I take a seat in the nearby chair and wait for him to speak.

“You’re going back? I thought you would stay. That you and Sebastian would take over the pack”

His voice catches but he clears his throat. Probably trying to get rid of the emotion.

“Why would we do that? I may have found my family here but this is not my home” I was genuinely confused.

“You’re the first born so the Alpha title is yours by birthright” he mumbles.

I watch him. Study him. Was this the reason why he had been cold to me since the truth came out? He was afraid I would take the Alpha position from him.

“Is that what has you so worried and tense?” I needed to confirm first before jumping into any conclusion.

“Part of it”

I sigh. “Come take a seat Luke”

“I don’t really feel like sitting down” he said instead.

“And I wasn’t really asking…so come and take a damn seat”

He must have heard the edge in my voice because he heaves a breath then comes and sits down next to me.

The moment he does, I turn to face him and stare straight into his eyes.

“I want you to get one thing clear because after this we will never talk about again” I begin. “I don’t want the alpha position, I am content being Sebastian’s Luna so the position of the alpha remains yours.”

“But…” he begins but I cut him off.

“There is no buts just what I say. You can remain the alpha and you have all my blessings. Besides, do you honestly think the pack would be comfortable with me? I am basically a stranger to them and so is Sebastian. In light of all the things that have happened, they need stability, they need the alpha that they have known. What they don’t need is more changes”

I watch as he lets my words sink in. For the first time I see vulnerability in his eyes.

“But what if the pack rejects me as the Alpha. Valery was responsible for some of their family member’s deaths. She has caused so much damage and I am the one left to deal with it. I am bound to receive backlash for her actions”

See what I meant when I said he doesn’t acknowledge his mother.

“Then you will deal with it like the Alpha you are and are meant to be, okay? It’s in your blood to lead them and if you can show them who you are they will take your lead and follow. Show them your heart and prove to them that you’re nothing like your mother. Earn their trust again”

He leans back on the chair almost tiredly. “It’s not that easy”

“It definitely isn’t, but won’t it be worth it in the end?”

I leave the question out there for him to decide. The ball was in his court and only he can decide if he’s willing to withstand the backlash he may or may not receive.

We are silent for a couple minutes as he makes his decision. Even if he decides that he doesn’t want to deal with what was to come, I still wouldn’t take the alpha position. My life wasn’t here. I could always visit and I plan to do that but I can’t live here.


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