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The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren) novel Chapter 37

I collapse on the chair outside the house, completely exhausted. It was now late at night and the stars were out. Blinking at me in accusation. It was past eleven o’clock and I spent the entire time juggling between watching Krystal’s progress and making sure that Jax was taken care of.

He was distraught when he came to see Krystal and saw the bandages covering her back. He still carried the shadows of what happened. Still carried the guilt even though I tried assuring him that none of what happened was his fault. My only prayer was that seeing Krystal recover will help him get past the guilt.

I made sure that he had eaten and bathed before reading him a story. To which he fell asleep halfway through it. I woke Krystal up three hours later, gave her some soup and her medication. She was incoherent though and soon enough she went back to sleep.

Sebastian had disappeared after the doctor left, after making sure both kids were good. He said that he was going to find out how three men were able to trespass into his land and drug Jax, then hurt Krystal and max. He wanted to know how the hell those on patrol hadn’t been able to sense them.

I lean back against the chair and close my eyes. My tears threatening to fall but I refuse to allow them to. I’ve cried more than enough today. What I needed to do was find out who was after me because whoever it was just crossed the line by going after my daughter.

I hear footsteps but I don’t open my eyes. I can tell it’s Sebastian. His scent is uniquely his.

I thought that he would ignore me and enter the house but he sat on the chair next to me. Making me open my eyes.

“Did you find anything?” I ask, just to break the silence.

“Yes” he sighs. “All the guards were completely unconscious”

He continues, his hands fisted on his laps. “They don’t know anything nor do they remember how they ended up in that state.”

“How is that possible?”

The wind blows, cooling my hot skin. I just didn’t understand how that could have happened. Sebastian’s warriors were the best of the best. So how was it possible for them to be defeated so easily?

“We don’t know yet and that’s what Hunter is trying to figure out now. I’m at a loss on how three men could render twelve of my best warriors unconscious. We don’t even know what they used or how they used it.” he growls in frustration, his hands fisted.

I understand how he feels. For a dominant alpha male like Sebastian, this was a big blow to him. He boasts of having the best warriors and the best security. Yet these men, whoever they are, were able to get past it. It’s even worse for him that a child, his step child , got hurt in the process.

I close my eyes again. Trying to stop the nausea that was attempting to overtake me. The images of Krystal wounded and bleeding keep replaying in my mind like a broken record. I couldn’t stop them and with each image, I feel like I have been stabbed.

I should have called them inside when I got home. Told them that it was getting late. Instead I put my need before theirs and while I was busy chasing my orgasm like a fucking selfish bitch, they were being attacked. I hate myself for that.

I can only imagine how it must have been terrifying for Jax and Krystal. How she was scared out of her mind when they dragged her into the forest.

Blue tries to comfort me but I push her back. Refusing to listen to her assurance. Krystal could have been raped, she could have been murdered and it would have been my fault. This guilt I was feeling was my punishment for not being careful with them.

A sob makes it's way from my throat and I can no longer hold back the tears. I cover my face with my hands in guilt and shame. Not being able to face Sebastian.

“Hey, it’s okay. She’s now safe and we are going to find who did this” he tells me softly.

He pulls my hands from my face and holds it in his. Squeezing it in comfort. While his thumb rubs my palm.

“But this was my fault. I am the reason why Jax was drugged and Max and Krystal were hurt” I sob. Feeling like my heart was being torn.

“It wasn’t your fault Red” he insists fiercely.

That makes me angry, because a part of me wanted him to blame. I stand up and start pacing. If I had just told him that day. If I had just opened my mouth then we wouldn’t be in this situation.

“It is” I shout hysterically. “That day when I woke up after being kidnapped. I heard someone in the forest when I was coming back. They were chasing me. After you came and found me I heard them howl. When it seemed that you didn’t hear or sense anything, I assumed that I was being paranoid. That I had imagined the whole thing”

I stand still and face him. I wanted to see the anger and contempt in his eyes. “If only I had told you. Maybe we could have prevented all these from happening”

I waited for an outburst. For him to rip me a new for being so careless and risking our kids. He doesn’t do that. Instead he does something that I never expected him to do.

He grabs me and pulls me onto his lap. At first I stiffen afraid that he would realize what he just did and he would push me off his lap. When that doesn’t happen I sag and relax into his warmth. I lay my head on his shoulder. His enticing scent calming me.


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