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The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren) novel Chapter 99


It’s been two weeks since I came back to the city. I booked an appointment the moment I came back and the doctor confirmed that I was four months pregnant.

I was supposed to be brave. I was supposed to let Sebastian know the truth immediately but I haven’t. I am a coward.

I’m afraid of facing him. Afraid of facing the pain I know I will feel when I see him happy with his mate.

“Mommy, can we go visit Jax, please? I have missed him so much” Krystal begs.

We’re in our new apartment and we still haven’t finished unpacking. Everything was set up including the furniture which was delivered last week. Well everything except for our clothes and personal items.

I don’t know why I still haven’t gotten to unpacking. For some reason, I just keep postponing.

“We’ll see” I reply, avoiding her question and comment like a plague.

“That means no” she says sadly.

I sigh tiredly. “That means we’ll see”

I hate seeing her sad and I know she really wants to see Jax but I just need time. It’s already hard losing Sebastian but Jax, he was my boy and now I had no rights to him. I didn’t even know if Sebastian would allow me to see Jax.

Goddess, this was so fucking hard and painful. I rub at my chest. Feeling the loss so deep that it was echoing in my soul.

This was just a cruel twist of fate. I thought I had finally found my happily ever after only to have it ripped from me. It was soul crashing.

Then there was the matter of the baby. How would Sebastian even react? Would he be happy? Or would he think it was bad timing given he had found his mate? Would he accept the baby or would he want nothing to do with him or her?

The last thought brings me more misery. I don’t fucking know how I will react if he said he wanted nothing to do with the baby.

In fact I hadn’t even thought about it. I just assumed that he would want the baby but here I was being forced with the possible reality that he wouldn’t want our child.

“Mommy!” Krystal’s screaming voice penetrates my thoughts.

I focus on her. “Hmm, what?”

I've been spacing out a lot lately. It was starting to freak me out.

“Me too” Midnight says.

“And me three…we’re going to have a baby in five months, you can’t keep spacing out like that. What if you did that and something happens to the baby while you’re lost in thoughts?” Blue chastises me.

They were both happy about the baby, but I didn't know how things would turn out for our child. I mean I have two different beasts. They’re wolves but still different.

“By the way Midnight, will our child be a hybrid? I am a bit confused on this…I mean Sebastian is a werewolf but I have you and Blue and both of you are different so what will our child be?” I ask her.

“Well usually, Fenrir’s spirit is passed down only to the first born of the line. Since this baby will be my first born, the spirit will be passed down to him or her so just like you she’ll have two spirits. On her first shift though the great wolf’s spirit will be taken from them and he or she will go to live with the goddess as they wait for the goddess to choose her next executioner” she explains.

That made a bit of sense.

“So the great wolf’s spirit will remain dormant until he or she first shifts?” I ask.

“Yes, our child will just be a carrier until it’s time for him or her to go and train with the moon goddess. So in the end our baby will only end up with one spirit well that is unless he or she undergoes a betrayal so bad and painful that the goddess decides to gift her the Fenrir's spirit”


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