“It was Mandy from the finance office” Sheryl tells me.
After months of looking into who was stealing from the company we finally got a name. The woman was so nice but now realizing that she was a wolf in sheep’s clothing just pissed me off even more.
“Did she give a reason why she did it?” I ask through gritted teeth.
“No” she replies. “She only said that she was going to talk to you and you alone”
“Where is she currently?”
“She’s being held at the police station, though they are saying that without enough evidence they will have to release her”
At that I growl. “I thought we had enough evidence”
“The police say it’s not enough to hold her”
I pick the vase near me and throw it against the wall. You can say that I am beyond pissed.
“Keep me updated…I’ll let you know what moves to make next once I’ve figured things out” I tell her, trying to force myself to relax.
“You got it boss” she mumbles before hanging up.
I haven’t been myself these past few months. I am irritable, angry and moody all the damn time. If I am not pissed then I am sad. It was a rollercoaster of emotions.
I miss him so much but I know I have to get over him. By now he is probably mated to Mayra. He has probably forgotten I ever existed.
Goddess, why does it fucking hurt so much? This is worse than the time Darren betrayed me. The constant pain in my heart is a reminder that I fell for Sebastian and I fell hard. Why does the goddess allow me to fall in love with men who aren’t mine? Men who won’t love me back?
I wanted him to choose me but I also knew I couldn’t force him to give up his fated mate. Mayra was made for him by the goddess. There was no way he would give that up easily.
Once again I am left alone. With a love I’m trying to bury and pain for company. Maybe it’s time I gave up on love. So far I’ve gotten nothing from it except for heartache.
“Mommy, are you okay?” Krystal asks timidly.
I have to admit that I haven’t been the best mother these past few weeks. Always withdrawing into myself. Too lost to give her the attention she needs, but I am trying the best I can.
I should have left her with Darren’s parents but I made a promise to her. That I would never leave her again.
“Come here”
She comes immediately and sits on my lap.
“I’m just struggling with some things but I will be okay” I tell her as honestly as I can.
She looks thoughtful for a while. “Did you and daddy Sebastian have a fight? Is that why we left?”
Fuck! Why are kids so intuitive?
“Yes, something like that”
“It’s okay mommy. I understand, Jax and I sometimes fight but we make up…I’m sure you and daddy Sebastian can do the same if you both apologize to each other. I miss them so much and I also want to see daddy and grandma and grandpa…Also Aunt Claire and Lilly… Oh and Mason”
Gosh. I feel so fucking selfish now. She hasn’t complained but I didn’t take into account what taking her from the people she knows and loves will do.
I see the longing in her eyes but I also know she won’t voice her wants.
“Okay Krys…I’ll apologize to him then we'll see what will happen next” I lie.
There was no way I was going to face Sebastian. Let alone apologize.
“Yeey… Does that mean I can tell Jax we are having a sibling?” she asks with a big smile on her face.
I look at her in confusion. “What are you talking about…what sibling?”
Could it be that Mayra and Sebastian were already expecting their first child?
The pain that tears me when I think of them being intimate almost brings me to my knees
The readers' comments on the novel: The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)
He insults her, she's ready to fight to the death. Three thugs threaten her and she's scared as a mofo. Make it make sense? Where's all that dark energy she suppresses hiding?...
wtf???he fcking stripped her naked and t*rtured her????????F*CKKK THATTTTT,so powerful he can't even have those victims have a background check and see if it connects the dots?????...
Did a teenager write this? I wanted to like it but it’s overly dramatic and the character arc is non-existent....
I don't think the the plot for krystals book is something I would like to dark. I would had thought Krystal and something with Jax would have been a better plot....
Finally I'm fucking done author please research heavy topics extensively before writing about them again. When you don’t you often end up victim blaming alot...
I don't even feel sad about Raya fuck her there’s allot of things that trauma is responsible for and letting the people you love die while you enjoy watching isn’t fucking one of them like the authors writing when it comes to these topics are fucking piss fucking put like the victim blaming the dismissal of valid feelings the excuses for the people who hurt her like eww don’t ever touch on subjects like these until you’ve done the appropriate extensive research on these topics. Then ill read your works that touch on these subjects again. The only reason I’m still here is cause ive already started the story....
I knew the goddamn therapist was a fucking weirdo...
Again the therapist is incorrectly saying what’s going on. If Raya took the empirical trauma it’d be Raya that she’d be talking to. Mayra took the emotional AND physical trauma of what’s going on and both Raya and Mayra are experiencing shared mental effects of that trauma with Raya experiencing the effects on the more angered and blaming side. None of this makes Mayra a terrible companion it actually makes Raya a terrible companion if you want to place blame....
Bruh can’t she just get the moon goddess to like give her a new wolf or remove her from the one she got ? She gone be human either fucking way with the way that bitch of a wolf be acting...
The therapist is fixing weird like she was doing so good till she fucking invalidated Mayra’s feelings towards her baby that was forced upon her by her realist that popped up before she was even done healing like what ? Its normal for victims to feel that way towards a rapper baby and what the therapist should have fucking said was yeah Mayra it’s normal to feel that way you’re still haunted by your rapport and haven’t yet healed and it doesn’t help that your daughter looks like him once healed you could make a decision on whether you want to be in her life as her mother or give her up for adoption it’s all up to you but for now you need to focus on healing before attempting to mother a child who looks like your rapist. In the meantime have your child stay with a trusted person so that you can heal and make the correct decision for yourself as a healed woman. But no the therapist says try loving her and being a mother to your rapists child right now even if you haven’t healed yet. Like huh ? You’re fucking weird and the author is weird for this as well. Maybe before writing about a touchy subject please do more research In terms of how to go about the aftermath of trauma and healing because this invalidated a lot of rape victims who hated their children before healing and coming to love and care for them without blame....